How the Universe looks from here

By Ciel - About Me - E-mail this page - Add to My Favorites - Add to Blog List - See other blogs in Religion & Spirituality

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Agtheistics 2

All we have, finally, are human-relateable models of what might be: interesting topics for philosophical debate, or a variety of Holy Grails enshrined by fanatics--or something between. We choose the model that suits us, we choose what to do with it. For some of us, the easiest thing is to not give a damn, to write it all off, and never pursue any such ephemerality as Universal Truth--finding it pointless even to seek the best-possible model, since we can't get to any final, certain conclusion... Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Just because it is in Man's nature to need and want and invent a God for his own comfort and security, to gain some sense of influence over natural forces and dumb luck, does not mean that there is no Supreme Being, no Greatest Consciousness or Will, no Ultimate Source of our selves and our Reality. But It may not be what we are generally led to believe. We are Flatlanders attempting to envision a Reality of so many more dimensions than we are equipped to perceive! And we are only now generally... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

IQ, EQ, now HQ

We've all heard of IQ--Intelligence Quotient-- and in recent years, of EQ--Emotional Quotient--as ways of measuring and describing what we are as individual mind/personality complexes... of quantifying and qualifying our potential as human beings. The easy trap is to consider these measurements of quality: a high number is a better person. But we can also point to the highest IQ geniuses who are utterly hopeless in society, or high EQ people who really can't deal with the world except through... Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Visiting Grandmother Spider

A short time ago, I shared a link to one of my early posts in this blog: an experience I had, a visionary visit with Grandmother Spider. At the end, I said something about The Cannibal Bird, and why it was part of this experience--something I had no conscious idea about at the time. Here is the promised follow-up on that. The Cannibal Bird mask in my vision was unlike the other animal/totem motifs, which all were colored black and... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, November 7, 2011


My teachers rightly praised the state of mind and spirit called 'amusement' which does not mean laughing at things so much as finding them interesting: observing from that neutral point of view from which one can be seeing them for what they are; appreciating them for their innate absurdity. We human beings do have such a propensity to be both absurd and sublime at once. Children, we are, playing in the world, trying to explain and understand things from our vast supply of imagination, and very... Sign in to see full entry.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

The new science of quantum furionics

Lately I am making 'field trips' to Wiki to try to finally get into my brain the basics of quantum science. I have a Classic Physics mind, which relies on certain truths being stable and 'real' in the sense that they have physical properties and behave in predictable, physical ways. I am trying to stretch this mind to wrap around things like wavicles and what quanta are, and mathematical bits of information that float around in my mind with nothing to anchor to. Examples! I need examples! I need... Sign in to see full entry.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

September 11, 2001

Facing death is one of the most human things we do. How we do it is maybe one of the most significant and defining elements of living a life. To choose death when you want to live, to choose it now rather than half an hour from now, giving up that half hour in which just maybe suddenly, other options might appear, and life could continue... To commit to death, now --to save the lives of others, theoretical others, people you don't know, have never seen or met... to end the dream of all you meant... Sign in to see full entry.

Friday, September 2, 2011

I forgot...

I forget, slogging through the slough of my emotional realities, dealing with the flaws of my body, the awkwardnesses of life and living-- I forget the things that are more true than those, more meaningful, more real, when all is said, and done and lived. Forgetting is part of being human. We forget that we have been human before, lived lives, learned lessons that ultimately move us closer to Home, to-- remember, we are standing here in my Universe now --bring us back to Unity with the Divine.... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

What I believe about people.

What we believe filters all the data we recieve and process, consciously and unconsciously. We use our beliefs to discriminate, to evaluate, to decide how we will respond to who and what comes at us. People try to protect themselves from pain. People go for what they want. People get what they want most. People have many motivations for each choice, every action they make. People screw up because of what is in them, more than because of what is in anyone else. We believe many things that affect... Sign in to see full entry.

Friday, July 22, 2011

a thought for those we've lost

There are stars whose radiance is visible on Earth though they have long been extinct. There are people whose brilliance continues to light the world though they are no longer among the living. These lights are particularly bright when the night is dark. They light the way for humankind. - Hannah Senesh, poet, playwright, and paratrooper (1921-1944) Sign in to see full entry.

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