Martas poems

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Monday, April 13, 2009

One crisp April morning...

I open my window this crisp April morning and it feels more like Winter than Spring, I am far from the ocean shore but the breeze brings me scents of my far away home while the cold in the air cuts through my thoughts like a knife. The sea of grass outside undulates to a northern wind like an ocean teaming with life, forming green waves that reach as far as I can see and take with them my hopes and my dreams, making me wish for warmer winds, fueling my imagination with a fire full of magic and... Sign in to see full entry.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

I love that feeling...

I love the feeling that possesses me when the need to write seizes my heart and fighting its way through my mind's maze a half thought poem emerges from some hidden place, moving through the darkness, looking for total birth; an idea mixed with sights and sounds becoming real, like some magic moon which appears and flickers, then fully shines for the first time. and becomes alive in the darkness... that darkness which once I was afraid off, but now I see as the colorless background of fertile,... Sign in to see full entry.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Chocolate dreams...

C hocolate dreams and golden eggs hidden among the flowers of the back yard. Everyone running among bushes and trees I, wearing with pride the fine white dress that Grandmama had made out of ribbons and lace Waking up early to get to church first so that we could get a front row place and watching the preacher as he spoke and spoke about a man that lived, died and came back, a man he said, was G-d in his heart. Mostly the words we heard were about love and about life after death... as he went on... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, April 6, 2009

That room

I like the feeling of that room, the one on top of the stairs, with its big windows looking out into the garden, a flowerless garden full of contrasts where the many shades of green make up for the lack of colors. Four walls I can see through; Beyond them, life goes on like an endless complicated play full of meaningless characters, who go through their lines finding their places. Its all in the script, every move, every pause, and I see it all from that room, the sunrises full of light, the... Sign in to see full entry.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Waiting in the shadows

I am waiting in shadows filled with the same words and the same gestures. I wait with empty hands orphan from the soft touch of yours... while you dwell in that far away land that exclusively exists in your mind and its not quite heaven nor is it hell, a place where you seem to fit quite well. so I wait here, touching mirrors, a fugitive from time suddenly thrown in a world where nothing is mine, alone walking where the snow is black, with my night ration and my mourning watch marking the... Sign in to see full entry.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Love knows no barriers...

L ove knows no barriers, not even that of trust. It is like space, seemingly empty, seemingly weak, yet all things that move and live have their begining in it. I do not know its source, but I would not dare say no to it. I know that I would be blinded by it, yet I would see clearly. It would probably render me deaf, yet, I would be overwhelmed by the beauty of it's song, finding myself defenseless, open, gladly bound by freedom. Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

C ome my sweet friend, hold my hand and face the sun for there no shadow lingers and no ghost will dare to dwell. See the sights and sounds and wonders of life past your sorrow's veil. Taste the beauty and sweet colors of gentle winds unblocked and free. Come, trust me, I'll help you be. "Ayez en moi... et votre vie seront aussi faciles qu'une promenade dans le cluds" Boileau Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Look around you

L ook around you... do you see the soft pastels that adorn the birth of each and every day? They are always different, but always just as beautiful And the wind that touches your hair and messes it so, is it the same as yesterdays breeze which blew off the papers from your desk on to the floor? No, it is not and yet its still the wind. So this feeling that changes the way I look at the world, this warmth that envelopes my heart when you look at me, might not be the same as the feeling I felt... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, March 30, 2009

The wayward wind rattles the rose ...

T he wayward wind rattles the rose, soft petals bend to its touch, and the fragrance that just before sweetly from it arose now floats scattered above the rocks. As the sun peaks from behind the clouds bright tears of rain moisten the ground, thunder fills silence with sound, You kiss me and we both run, afraid of what we've just found Its Spring again time to fall in love and forget about pain. Sign in to see full entry.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Steel and Red Bricks ( New York City)

R ed bricks seem to go on for ever in walls that reach up like long concrete arms, towards a sky that seems distant and small. Old buildings that have seen the passage of time, have felt the pain of a thousand broken hearts, and the happiness of just as many smiles. The imprint of time makes them look dark. Beautiful buildings of steel, tall, lean and proud, painted with colors that please the eyes, casting their dark shadow on man's daily rout, filled with people selling their hearts. They are... Sign in to see full entry.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

We must learn to wish upon another star

Y esterday's raging fire is today's ashes. To try to revive it is as futile as trying to stop time at that special moment when our heart thrived and we were so happy, so in love, Sad as it is... there is nothing in those ashes that can ignite. Our passion burned off, all our dreams, like smoke, floated away in the night and even though the love itself is still there all around, in memories that will not die... it does not matter... just as it does not matter if the tree branches bloom after we... Sign in to see full entry.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Love, gardenias, roses and the Spring

S pring has arrived. Gardenias and roses bloom. Love is everywhere Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

There is a place

T here is a place where I go to from time to time to rest when the world weights too heavy on my shoulders. To get there, I step out of my mind and walk through a glass door onto a deck, where there is no hurt, no feeling at all. If I look up, the sky above is filled with crisp air and the peaceful light from the stars, who seem to tell the stories of a million hearts. Breathing is easier there without the stench of pain and the world softens as I walk in, the noises of the mind quiet. If I want... Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

They tell me sometimes love just ends...

T hey tell me sometimes love just ends, you stop loving without knowing why, without regrets, and it is like opening your hand and finding it empty and wondering what was it that from it escaped, or like walking over dried leaves and by accident stepping on a green one that fell by mistake. They say you stop feeling the love all of a sudden though you still might think you're loving and when you do, you feel like the blind man that crying realizes he is still waving to the train that has long... Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Remember? sitting by the Seine holding hands staring into each other's eyes, Life was so simple then just you and I and the promise that was. You painting...softly tracing the colors as if you were creating them, and I, writing, inspired by the beauty of Paris Why did we ever leave that room on top of the stairs where we were so happy, so content. we could have stayed there on our diet of love, bread cheese and wine Remember? how you used to wake me with a kiss in that room that got so cold... Sign in to see full entry.

Love ...

T o try to explain love to someone that has not been in love is like trying to explain to a blind man what the sky looks like full of stars or how the many colors of a rainbow, so different, look so beautiful all together in their giant arch Only if you have been in love can you understand someone that is in love, for then you remember the incessant excitement making your blood rush and the primal need to always be near that one person that is more important to you than you are to yourself.... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, March 23, 2009

If I could touch you...

I f I could touch you the way I want to touch you it would be like this.... Tracing your features with my lips, my hands, anxious to feel would discover the softness of your skin, traveling unencumbered towards the place they long to be... and I assure you my love that you would never forget the pleasure you would feel or the sweetness of my kiss... If I could touch you the way I want there is nothing, no one, that could take us apart, With your arms holding me close to your heart feeling mine... Sign in to see full entry.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

The moon smiles

T he moon is smiling among the sky's many stars., a sliver of a smile just enough to warm my heart... and illuminate the dark of my life and of this night. Sign in to see full entry.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Tattered wings

A s I awake and see the light that streams from the window of my room, I notice as I look out there are a few flowers starting to bloom. and a butterfly, fluttering about, among the roses in the backyard calls my attention to her grace and swings Her yellow wings bright like the sun, move to the music that the wind plays when suddenly a ghost of wind makes them brush slightly against a thorn. Her wings tattered she seems to loose altitude, but she doesn't bleed. and she continues her dance of... Sign in to see full entry.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Spring is here...

Light intrudes through her window in a most obnoxious way, kicking the pillows, she stirs in bed, and she feels the warmth of the breeze that sips through the crack in her door's glass through which freezing air whistled, just a few days past. Seduced by the silky softness of her sheet's caress, she tries to go back to dreaming, back to the sweet place where she could touch with words those that her mind had traced, to that far away corner of her life beaten soul that still kept love intact in a... Sign in to see full entry.

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