If I get smart with you....how will you know?

By Corbin_Dallas - About Me - E-mail this page - Add to My Favorites - Add to Blog List - See other blogs in Opinion

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Would You Risk Your Life for Your Beliefs?

Do we live such a comfortable life that we would not risk our lives to follow our beliefs....our faith? There is a secret society in Iran......Iranians Converting to Christianity. Disenchanted with the empty promises of the Islamic regime....they are converting, under threat of death! Would many... Sign in to see full entry.

Friday, August 24, 2007

So You Feel Old? Falling Apart? You're Over The Hill?

Just don't have it in you any more? " Mike Flynt says his only regret in life was getting kicked off his college football team when he was a senior.....he let his teammates down. He was drinking a brew or two in a local watering hole with some friends............one of the guys asked him..."Why... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Google Turns Maps Upside Down! Check out Google Sky!

Learn How with Sally Ride........ Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Michelle Obama Smacks Hillary.......................

There is an interesting strategy going on in the Democrat Presidential campaign.....the "guys' can't attack Hillary directly.........it would allow her to tear up her eyes and claim she was being victimized..........so a couple are sending out their wives to play attack dog. The clear winner thus... Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

John Edwards Linked to New Orleans Katrina Foreclosures.........

John Edwards is an expert when it comes to talking out of both sides of his mouth........for months now he has whined about the tragedy of there being "TWO AMERICAS". Just a few weeks ago ol John went back to the 9th Ward in New Orleans and kicked off a poverty tour, he even buzzed through my neck... Sign in to see full entry.
Current Time in KENTUCKY "The Bluegrass State"

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