The Ciel Show

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Monday, February 20, 2017

Here's the story...

A few days ago, an artist on my facebook 'friends' list posted a query for landscape photos to serve as inspiration for some of her paintings. While her initial post indicated that stock company licensing fees were way too high for her, we discussed by private message what would be reasonable for her, for access to my albums on flickr. We agreed on an amount considerably less than the stock photo companies, agreed to write up a contract confirming what we'd discussed, and I sent her the albums... Sign in to see full entry.

Saturday, February 18, 2017

There is some news coming...

I don't want to jinx it, but I'll tell you this much right now: It looks like I'm gonna sell some photography! Meanwhile... today I've been house-cleaning because tomorrow I'm having a little tea-tasting party and brunch with some friends. I brought back half a dozen different teas from England, enough to share around, so this is so they can choose which ones they want to take home, or have me pick up some more on the March trip. Charlie is out now doing some grocery shopping for it. We will... Sign in to see full entry.

Saturday already...

Charlie's got the raspy throat that sounds a lot like what ails our Pat these past few days. I am hoping last year's flu shot will fend it off from me. So far, so good. I just found a small cache of ginger chews, and suspect they'd be as good for a sore throat as Smith Bros. We made a drive up to Denver yesterday to pick up a very fancy but unfinished Victorian style doll house. It reminds me, I have another sitting downstairs waiting for more attention, and it is still a ways from completion.... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Such mixed feelings...

It is clear from temperature gradient maps, the world is already way warmer for the season than it should be. Australia, in its summer, is having phenomenal temperatures especially in the southeastern areas. Denver hit 80F the other day, and in Oklahoma, 99F in a couple of areas. This is bad, really bad for the Big Picture. But... Spring! Early! days without icy streets, relief from temps far below freezing... And then I think of how summer will be here, if in February it is actually not just... Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

What Matters

We went to the movies last night, Charlie and I, to see HIDDEN FIGURES. It isn't that often an audience applauds a movie, but they did this one, and according to the usher, have done so at every showing since it opened. That's how good this film is. It's the story of how America made it into space in the early 1960s, and how it happened because of the brilliant minds who, before mechanical computers were the ones who did the computing of figures, working numbers and geometries that had never... Sign in to see full entry.

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Sad to report...

Our little Crumpet has passed over the Rainbow Bridge. I am not sure how or why. I noticed that I had not seen her today or yesterday, though Alice turned up quickly when I poured out the fresh food. I excavated a bit of their tunneling, and found her curled up and departed. Gerbils are not noted for long life spans. Perhaps her thread just ran out. I am not sure a new companion can be introduced to Alice at this point. I will pay her more attention now she is on her own. Sign in to see full entry.

It snew

The past couple of days, temps were over 70F, and this morning it's below 30F and snowing. Not a lot, so far. But forecast says it will be cold all day. This is no surprise in this bit of the world. Some days, I wake up all blurred around the edges, fuzzy-witted, and it lasts all day. Then there are the days I wake up actually awake, and my brain seems clear and functional, and I know I will get things done that day: I will want to, and will do stuff. Part of it is getting enough sleep, and good... Sign in to see full entry.

Saturday, February 11, 2017

early waking rewards

Up before dawn, just as the sky to the east was going pink, and the 'snow moon' was still well above the western hills... Too bright for my camera to pick up the shading of the moon as the eye sees it, but still pretty among the clouds, and then the winter-bare trees... The dawn got all fiery, as it did a couple of mornings ago. You can tell the days apart because the clouds are never the same morning to morning. Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Quick, write before She comes back!

Reading, scrolling down--that I can do, but writing when Embers takes over my lap, basically that's the end of writing, as she is either blocking my view of the keyboard, or my reach to it. Temps are expected to be mid-60sF today. I will have to open some doors and windows and let some of that in. Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Meet Joe Black

This came out several years ago, I remember hearing of it but nothing about it. Finally last night I watched it. Fantastic! Anthony Hopkins and Brad Pitt are a wealthy businessman and Death who has come for him, but decides he'd like to look around a bit. He has become interested in people and in the mystery of Life, but has no clue how to experience and learn. So, he trades Hopkin's guide services for a little more time. Hopkins is always good, and Pitt plays Death subtley, especially Death in... Sign in to see full entry.

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