Big V Mumbles About Something

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Thursday, September 26, 2019

Making A Day Trip

Since I'm going to be leaving downstate early Friday morning, I'm making all of my posts late tonight. As I write this, I just looked at the expected weather report and the radar, and quite naturally I see lots of rain coming. Oh well, it won't be heavy but it will make for some slick roads. I have... Sign in to see full entry.

We had intermittent rain and sunshine yesterday, giving me time to go out walking and time to do some writing. I managed to catch a number of shots of what I believe was a young (two-year-old) female eagle. She was perched about thirty feet up in a white pine, watching the dogs play. I don't think... Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Free Offer - Quite Naturally, A Limited Time Offer

Another day, another thirty-seven cents. I think that was how my grandfather used to say it. It's one of those rare days where I am lacking in enthusiasm, but the show must go on. I'm working on a series of short stories for anthology book. Actually, I'm doing two such books which allows me to write... Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Couldn't sleep for diddly last night. Not sure why, but I've been up since about 5 AM. I don't 'feel' bad. As my Grandfather always used to say, I feel 'as fine as frog hair.' I just can't stay asleep. Oh well. It's supposed to rain again tonight. The river is rising rapidly, and the DNR is raising... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, September 23, 2019

The Sordid History of the Exclamation Point

Interesting set of articles here. This one was the basis of the second one. Nothing earth shattering, but always nice to know if you happen to get caught up in a nutty trivia game. Sign in to see full entry.

I was going to tell you about the rain, the drop in temps, and a mess of other things, but then I got the email about something far more important! FINALLY! The #Audible version of the real " #story of my #life " 'I Remember Judy - A Love Story' is available. There are places in this story that... Sign in to see full entry.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Only An Idiot Would Walk In This Rainstorm

... so I was walking along the Tahquamenon River in the rain with the dogs in the rain. This is actually a part of the 'Dollarville Flood Zone' of the big river and it is much bigger from a slightly different angle, but here you can clearly see the river as it makes its way to the dam that controls... Sign in to see full entry.

Now we begin to pay for all of that 'warm' weather we've had last week. From a high of 81 yesterday to a high of 70 today. It's all down hill from here! With fall officially in bloom, the UP begins to get ready for the 'color tours' that charge $35 per person. Hang on and I'll save you some money!... Sign in to see full entry.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

It's a rare thing up here; hot and muggy. Well, UP of Michigan hot. It's about 78 at 8 PM and it is like a locker room after fifty people have showered outside. I'm seeing big flashes in the sky, telling me that there is an instability storm just off the horizon. Reminds me of Florida! I sat down to... Sign in to see full entry.

It has been pleasantly warm here the past week, with today supposed to make it to 80. Tomorrow slides down to 72, and it gets colder from there. I think we've just had our 'Indian Summer' event. It's supposed to rain on and off for the next few days, starting early this afternoon, so any walking... Sign in to see full entry.

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