Big V Mumbles About Something

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Friday, September 20, 2019

Finally! Ralph Is Here!

It normally takes about five to seven hours for the 'Big A' to approve and set up a spot for a new story/book, on occasions, it takes ten hours. Ralph had to be the odd man out, and it took twenty-two hours, but he is finally HERE. If you download it and read it, make sure to rate it! Thanks! V Sign in to see full entry.

I have just posted two story chapters that once again were running at about the same time of my life. Both are about 97% true, with very little 'fluff.' The piece from 'The Touch' is as close to truth as I could remember. Something powerfully odd happened that morning. I have to run to the Soo to... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

I probably should have put this in my 'Let's Write' blog area, but this section gets ten views for every one the other gets. It took some dorking around, but I finally figured out how the new version of Kindle Create places a photo into a story exactly where I want it to go. They also have included... Sign in to see full entry.

I took the dogs out to the river and forgot about the clock. I usually give them about thirty to forty minutes of running time, but I got caught up in thought, and soon realized that we had been out there for three hours. The dogs have yet to file a complaint about that error. It's on a 90 degree... Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The clowns that run this town decided to take the four square blocks that surround the school and run an emergency 'gas leak' trial. The idiots were pounding on my door here at 9:05 AM, telling me that i had to evacuate my house for their little pretend emergency. To say the least, I was and am... Sign in to see full entry.

Due to some local circumstances, I won't be posting until later this afternoon. Nothing serious... just a lot of action in town. More later. V Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

I forgot to post that I made it back. The entire day trip we took took about six hours. The dogs are exhausted (a good thing!) but they are extremely happy. I ran into a young porcupine (got a photo of him too!) and saw a lot of beautiful scenery. I din't get much done here, but I cleared my brain... Sign in to see full entry.

We have some super dense fog here this morning. I wanted to run down to the post office, backed out and then decided it could wait. the rest of this week is going to tease us as the temps head back to close to 80 one last time. I've seen this ploy before. 79 one day, 52 the next. I'd rather pass. I... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, September 16, 2019

This was an extremely productive weekend. I didn't post as much stuff here as I wanted, but we had fun. I don't have one of those deals that tell you how far you walk, but I suspect that we easily walked over fifteen miles this weekend. Winter is coming! I completely re-edited three stories this... Sign in to see full entry.

Sunday, September 15, 2019


I did a lot of traveling today. I took a lot of photos, had a lot of fun, and am whipped. Next week, or maybe as soon as the end of this week, peak colors here in the UP should start. I intend to fill a number of SD cards with high def photos. Remember, if you have a Kindle or the Amazon Kindle app,... Sign in to see full entry.

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