
By Goldiec - About Me - E-mail this page - Add to My Favorites - Add to Blog List - See other blogs in On Writing

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Busy day in Cleveland

Good Afternoon, the day has gotten away from me! Roy brought a lot of butternut squash in from the garden along with some peppers. I had some zucchini on the table so I decided this morning that I was going to bake the butternut squash. There were a lot of little ones and only one big one so I cut... Sign in to see full entry.

Good Morning from Cleveland

It's a chilly morning in the city but the sun is shining and it's supposed to warm up this afternoon. Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, October 12, 2020

Monday evening

Good evening! I hope everyone had a good day! It was another beautiful day in the city but this evening the wind is starting to pick up and the temps are starting to drop. Roy picked some more peppers, we are trying to get the last ones before the weather changes because once it does that will be it... Sign in to see full entry.

Grandma Mayer's Magic Wand Part 4

Lorilee sat in the parlor sipping tea, she was waiting for Grandma to come out of her room. She had no idea what was taking so long but she did know that Grandma was preparing to do battle with the evil warlock. Lorilee had seen him a few times over the years and she knew he never used his magic for... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday in the City

Good Morning! We have a new week in front of us and I hope it's a good one. It's in the '50s this morning but we are supposed to reach 74 degrees by afternoon, but we may get rain. I see the sun peeking through the trees. I'm hoping the rain passes us by for another day. This weekend is supposed to... Sign in to see full entry.

Sunday, October 11, 2020

Good Evening

I just wanted to wish everyone a good night. I did not get a chance to work on my Halloween story so I will try again tomorrow. It was a beautiful day in Cleveland. We really enjoyed the day. We went for a ride to one of our favorite ice cream stands and it was boarded up for the winter. Then we... Sign in to see full entry.

Late Sunday morning

Good Morning, We've had a busy morning and I wanted to start my post earlier but it just wasn't to be. We got up early and went to Wal-mart and Giant Eagle. I'm trying to eat healthier and I can see that's not going to be easy. The produce section is totally overpriced at our store. What made... Sign in to see full entry.

Saturday, October 10, 2020

Grandma Mayer's Magic Wand Part 3

Dad walked back through the kitchen door 3 hours later. Seth was right behind him. One look at Dad's face told Lorilee the news was bad. She was sitting in the parlor clutching a tissue and dabbing her eyes. They were so puffy that she looked like she was sick or at least suffering from an allergy... Sign in to see full entry.

Saturday morning in Cleveland

We are having a beautiful morning in Cleveland. Our high is supposed to reach 78 but it does appear to be a little windy outside. Roy had stopped down at the local farmer's stand on his way home from work on Thursday and picked me up some really nice zucchini. I decided last night that I wanted to... Sign in to see full entry.

Friday, October 9, 2020

Good Evening from Cleveland

I hope everyone is having a good night. I managed to survive my trip to the doctor. When I entered the medical building a lady was sitting there with plexiglass all around her. She had a questionnaire and a thermometer. She took my temperature and I asked her what it was. She said 97.7 and I looked... Sign in to see full entry.

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