Big V Mumbles About Something

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Tuesday, June 23, 2020

It is raining like a crazy man out there, but I still took the dogs out for a run. The mosquitoes are thick as sin on Vegas bask street. We lived in Vegas for six weeks... trust me, that place is sinful! LOL I'm going to attempt to get some writing in, but I can see that the power is not going to be... Sign in to see full entry.

Ehh... our power was finally restored about 9:40 this morning. It took a good five minutes for all of my Internet routers I have throughout the house to boot back up and decide to work. Fortunately, I had my cell and my power bank for my cell all charged up when it happened. I was able to answer all... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, June 22, 2020

I haven't been able to do much writing due to a power outage. It isn't raining that hard, but we had one big clap of lightning, and there it went. If things improve, I will be back in the morning. Thank you. V Sign in to see full entry.

It's almost cold here. Between the on and off showers, and the wind that is shifting from south to from the west/northwest, it feels like it's more like 45 instead of the 65 the thermometer says it is right now. Brrrr! I've added another 850 to 900 words to my murder story and have it posted. I... Sign in to see full entry.

It was nice enough to leave the doors open, allowing the dogs to come and go as they needed all night, thus, I was able to sleep all night long. Wonderful stuff. I don't know if they are right, but the weather forecast calls for heavy rain today, coming out of the southwest. So far, the pressures... Sign in to see full entry.

Sunday, June 21, 2020

As If You Needed Proof

For those following my 'Interdimensional' story, I wanted (needed) to explain a few things in case you think I'm crazier than you already believe me to be. This last segment in particular needs to be explained a bit. The links I've provided further explain what I'm telling you. The brain does in... Sign in to see full entry.

After our walk this morning, the dogs and I grabbed some lunch and sat down to watch a movie I had recorded on my Roku TV over on Sling-TV. I remember watching about the first ten minutes of it. I woke up three hours later. I suppose that means I was tired. I'll try watching it again later tonight.... Sign in to see full entry.

I sat and contemplated many things last night, and top among those things was the gift of love and insight my father gave me as a boy. I was the eldest of six children, and thus, he had more time for me than the others for a while. I was so lucky for those three years of his love before my siblings... Sign in to see full entry.

Saturday, June 20, 2020

Ya never realize how many 'friends' you have until they come up here camping in a $19 tent from Amazon and it begins to rain. Needless to say, I didn't get my evening writing session in. The only good thing about that is it gives me another night to consider how to do some revising that was... Sign in to see full entry.

Stand Up

Tomorrow is Father's Day. I was sent this link a bit ago. My father died June 5th, 1994. He was, bare none, the biggest influence on me and my life. The things he taught me caused me to learn to stand up, even when I had been knocked down repeatedly. I must have heard him say this phrase ten... Sign in to see full entry.

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