Member Profile for MattA33


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August 14, 2004
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Speaker Christine Quinn calls for rent hike freeze - May 17, 2009
Here we are again, awaiting the annual rubber stamping of rent hikes by...
News & Politics - Popularity rank: 2128

More from affordable housing workshop - May 12, 2009
affordable housing workshop - On July 1st of this year NYC public...
Nonprofit & Charities - Popularity rank: 2153

Christine Quinn's "affordable housing recovery pro - Apr 30, 2009
During a February State of the City address, Speaker of Christine Quinn...
News & Politics - Popularity rank: 2176

New York State Senators demand the passage of rent - Apr 24, 2009
After some spirited chanting and clapping to open last night's Town Hall...
News & Politics - Popularity rank: 2191

New York Battles Idling Buses - Apr 20, 2009
Environmental groups in NYC are fighting aggressively to curb and...
News & Politics - Popularity rank: 2200

April 22nd Town Hall meeting to bring tenants and - Apr 17, 2009
With so much attention being lavished on so-called "Tea Parties"...
News & Politics - Popularity rank: 2211

Why Michael Bloomberg Is Bag For New York - Apr 12, 2009
According to Camp Bloomberg, the self-appointed savior of the city,...
News & Politics - Popularity rank: 2221

Saving Affordable Housing - Mar 28, 2009
Newsletter - Since the late 1970s New York City landlords have been...
Journal - Popularity rank: 2266

Lies And Politics - Mar 15, 2009
One of the common questions when it comes to politics is, why do...
News & Politics - Popularity rank: 2294

Obama In Focus - Feb 15, 2009
Normal 0 false false false MicrosoftInternetExplorer4...
U.S. - Popularity rank: 2359

George W Bush's Legacy - Jan 14, 2009
The Shame Of A Nation - Normal 0 false false false...
News & Politics - Popularity rank: 2449

Joe The What ??? - Jan 10, 2009
Normal 0 false false false MicrosoftInternetExplorer4...
News & Politics - Popularity rank: 2463

I Was Waiting Up For Santa Claus - Dec 1, 2008
A Fireman’s Christmas Song - Every once in a while, a piece of music comes...
Music - Popularity rank: 2587

U.S. And Global Warming - Nov 22, 2008
The U.S role in fighting global warming - For those who don't believe that...
News & Politics - Popularity rank: 2605

Crooked Connections - Oct 19, 2008
McCain and Palin's connections to the far right wing - Normal 0 false...
News & Politics - Popularity rank: 2709

John McCain Advocates Military "Iraq" Tactics In U - Sep 4, 2008
John McCain Calls For War Against America's Poor - Normal 0 false false...
News & Politics - Popularity rank: 2829

Iraq War In Focus - Aug 9, 2008
The truth behind the US surge - Here we are in the middle of another...
News & Politics - Popularity rank: 2920

US INC - Jul 15, 2008
A case involving 11South Africans who are suing some of the United State...
News & Politics - Popularity rank: 3021

Radio America - Jul 7, 2008
Hello America Who among you are willing to buy the line of the news...
Poetry - Popularity rank: 3065

Ad: Organic Hotels - Jul 4, 2008
Poems of rebellion - After two and half years of working on my second...
Poetry - Popularity rank: 3080

Interview - Jun 4, 2008
For those who are interested, I'm going to speak on a pod cast 6:30pm...
On Writing - Popularity rank: 3178

The Media’s White Wash Of The Winter Solider Confe - May 16, 2008
Winter Soldier Conference - If one were to ask people on the street if...
News & Politics - Popularity rank: 3258

John MCain The Neo Con - Apr 25, 2008
Inside John MCain's Camp - John McCain The Neo Con (part1) A lot has...
News & Politics - Popularity rank: 3311

Race And The Obama Campaign - Mar 26, 2008
Race And The Obama Campaign - Perhaps it was a bit naive for Barak Obama...
U.S. - Popularity rank: 3428

The Talk Of Change Is The Latest Scam - Jan 27, 2008
The Talk Of Change Is The Latest Scam - Now that the final hours of the...
News & Politics - Popularity rank: 3656

Questions I Would Like To Have Seen Asked During T - Jan 11, 2008
Needed questions - While Scott Spradling did a better than expected job in...
News & Politics - Popularity rank: 3727

Article By Vivan Riffelmacher - Dec 21, 2007
Article By Vivan Riffelmacher A Founding Member of the West Side Neighborho
News & Politics - Popularity rank: 3801

The Media In Focus - Dec 13, 2007
Deconstructing the Myth of the "Liberal Media" - Deconstructing the Myth of...
News & Politics - Popularity rank: 3837

Poll - Nov 8, 2007
poll - Many election polls ignore the 18 to 25 year old population since...
News & Politics - Popularity rank: 3989

The Martin Anderson Case And The Issue Of Race In - Nov 5, 2007
Race And America - The Martin Anderson Case And The Issue Of Race In...
News & Politics - Popularity rank: 4002

Beating The Drum For A War With Iran - Oct 15, 2007
Scott Ritter warned Us about this over a year ago, as did Greg Palast,...
News & Politics - Popularity rank: 4084

Modern Day Rosenbergs - Sep 21, 2007
media created terrorists - Two USF Students Could Be Modern Day Rosenbergs...
News & Politics - Popularity rank: 4177

Deconstruction of "The State of The Union Speech" - Aug 19, 2007
Part 3 of 3 - It has been about a month since George W Bush gave his...
News & Politics - Popularity rank: 4311

Deconstructing The State Of The Union Speech - Jul 26, 2007
As has been his custom over the past seven years, George W Bush has once...
U.S. - Popularity rank: 4392

A Critical Look At Bush’s Latest Address To The Na - Jul 24, 2007
Part 1 Of 3 - Just recently I spoke with a Congressional Democrat who will...
News & Politics - Popularity rank: 4402

Iraq Will Continue To Be An Albatross Around Bush’ - Jul 11, 2007
Iraq Will Continue To Be An Albatross Around Bush’s Neck - Shortly after...
News & Politics - Popularity rank: 4456

PBS Looks To Appeal To The Hispanic Community - Jul 9, 2007
PBS Looks To Appeal To The Hispanic Community - For the first time in more...
News & Politics - Popularity rank: 4464

On Depression - Jul 5, 2007
On Depression - According to new studies reported by on WFLA and which can...
Health & Fitness - Popularity rank: 4479

The Price of Tax Cuts - Jul 3, 2007
downside of tax cuts - For those of you who support massive tax cuts and...
News & Politics - Popularity rank: 4483

State Of US Politics - Jun 27, 2007
The State Of American Politics - The State Of American Politics Alberto...
News & Politics - Popularity rank: 4508

When The Pinch Comes Down On Everyone - Jun 11, 2007
the failing economy - If you listen to Fox news or to most of the major...
News & Politics - Popularity rank: 4577

Cindy Sheehan Leaves As Public Face And War In Ira - Jun 4, 2007
Cindy Sheehan, - After extended attacks against her by both the Right and...
News & Politics - Popularity rank: 4598

Press Release - Jun 2, 2007
Organic Hotels - For Immediate Release "Organic Hotels" the newest poetry...
Poetry - Popularity rank: 4603

Iraq War Spending Bill Castrates Antiwar Democrats - May 29, 2007
the Iraq spending bill - When the news came down that the rank and file...
News & Politics - Popularity rank: 4617

The Death Of Jerry Falwell - May 21, 2007
The Death Of Jerry Falwell - One of the architects that set the blue print...
News & Politics - Popularity rank: 4632

Orgaic Hotels - May 19, 2007
Organic Hotels - After two and half years of working on my second book,...
Arts & Photography - Popularity rank: 4641

Paper Ballots To Be Reintroduced - May 10, 2007
voter fraud - From the state that injected George W Bush into the arm of...
News & Politics - Popularity rank: 4657

If You Think Contaminated Pet Food Has Been Dumped - May 1, 2007
Uncovering Another Meat Scandel - If you think that the tens of thousands...
News & Politics - Popularity rank: 4673

Did The Mental Health System Fail Cho Seung-Hui? - Apr 23, 2007
Did The Mental Health System Fail Cho Seung-Hui? - While it is difficult...
Opinion - Popularity rank: 4683

Late Adoption - Apr 18, 2007
One of the bizarre stores that have come out of the Florida news wire...
Family & Parenting - Popularity rank: 4698

Democracy for Sale - Apr 12, 2007
money at the root - When we hear about presidential candidates it this time...
News & Politics - Popularity rank: 4704

The Bush Administrations Aim At War Profiteering - Apr 4, 2007
Why Washington Is Pushing For The Next War - It certainly seems the drums...
News & Politics - Popularity rank: 4725

Are Children Too Coddled? - Apr 2, 2007
Taking some time off from writing about the horrors of modern day...
Opinion - Popularity rank: 4729

Drug Companies Choose to Stop Cheap Birth Control. - Mar 29, 2007
result of new drug bill - The pregnancy rate among teens and early twenty...
News & Politics - Popularity rank: 4735

Commentary on The Fourth year Anniversary Of Iraq - Mar 22, 2007
A look at the past four years - It seems just like yesterday the George W...
News & Politics - Popularity rank: 4746

Silencing The American Voice - Mar 16, 2007
With The Increase Of Troop Levels - When the news came out several weeks...
News & Politics - Popularity rank: 4752

How Safe Are Our Hospitals? - Mar 12, 2007
How Safe Are Our Hospitals - With all the cutbacks that are affecting the...
News & Politics - Popularity rank: 4761

The Cost Of War - Mar 8, 2007
spending cuts and war on whistle blowers - The Cost of War It would come...
News & Politics - Popularity rank: 4774

Attacks On Children - Mar 5, 2007
Pew Search - According to a new report by the Pew research center, more...
News & Politics - Popularity rank: 4779

Limitations Of Pre-emptive Strikes - Feb 28, 2007
Limitations Of Pre-emptive Strikes And The Democrats Once Again Become Frag
News & Politics - Popularity rank: 4783

Radiation Therapy May Do More Harm Than Good In Ch - Feb 27, 2007
Radiation Therapy - A new study has shown that radiation therapy in...
Health & Fitness - Popularity rank: 4785

Eat What? - Feb 23, 2007
One of the funnier stories that probably made little to no news came out...
Humor - Popularity rank: 4794

Lewis Libby And The Isolation Of The Administratio - Feb 22, 2007
There seems to be an increasing sense that the Iraq war is quickly...
News & Politics - Popularity rank: 4797

George Bush And The War In The Middle East - Feb 20, 2007
From Bush To The End Times - In what has been less than a week after US...
News & Politics - Popularity rank: 4798

Why The North Korea Deal Is So Important - Feb 15, 2007
Why The North Korea Deal Is So Important - Well it seems as if the six...
News & Politics - Popularity rank: 4810

Where We Are With The Iraq War - Feb 8, 2007
How fast the high rollers in Washington forget what it is that the...
News & Politics - Popularity rank: 4823

Immigrant Workers - Feb 5, 2007
There is some question regarding immigration to the United States that...
News & Politics - Popularity rank: 4832

Why Polar Bears Fate Might Be Ours - Jan 31, 2007
Global Warming - With the battle brewing in the middle east, mostly over...
News & Politics - Popularity rank: 4841

Florida's Abuse Of The Homeless - Jan 30, 2007
The Issue Of Tent City - In what has become an increasing battle in Tampa...
News & Politics - Popularity rank: 4845

New Orleans Rebuilding Effort Has Fallen Behind - Jan 29, 2007
Why New Orleans Is Being Ignored - One issue that seemed irringly missing...
News & Politics - Popularity rank: 4846

Why The Media Is Wrong About Iraq - Jan 25, 2007
Concerning Iraq And The Media - Perhaps there should be no surprise when...
News & Politics - Popularity rank: 4848

Hillary Clinton Starts Her Campaign - Jan 22, 2007
Hillary Clinton - As expected, Democratic Senator Hillary Clinton has now...
U.S. - Popularity rank: 4854

Barak Obama Throws His Hat In The Ring - Jan 17, 2007
Senator Obama To Run For President - The Senator from Illinois, Barak...
News & Politics - Popularity rank: 4863

Building Up The war Against Iran - Jan 16, 2007
The White House Looks To Expand It War In The Middle East - With...
News & Politics - Popularity rank: 4864

Building For The Humanitarian Crisis - Jan 12, 2007
Building For The Humanitarian Crisis - On Wednesday, George W. Bush...
News & Politics - Popularity rank: 4871

Florida Fails The Homeless - Jan 9, 2007
Pinellas County Fails The Homeless - In a story that gets very little...
News & Politics - Popularity rank: 4874

Increase In Troop Levels Becomes Front Line Issue - Jan 8, 2007
Increasing troop levels - Hardly a day goes by when we don't hear about...
News & Politics - Popularity rank: 4875

The GOPs Mob Hit On The Middle East - Jan 2, 2007
GOP As Mobsters - Well, Alot has happened since my last entry but, for the...
News & Politics - Popularity rank: 4882

Building For Permanent War - Dec 20, 2006
Permanent War - As mentioned earlier this week, it now looks very likely...
News & Politics - Popularity rank: 4894

Whats Next For Iraq? - Dec 19, 2006
Gates And The War In Iraq - Now that Robert Gates has been sworn there is...
News & Politics - Popularity rank: 4895

Gates To Get Sworen In And Other Iraq News - Dec 18, 2006
More On Washington - Robert Gates has been sworn in today as the next...
News & Politics - Popularity rank: 4897

Tim Johnson Falls ill - Dec 14, 2006
The Meaning In The Balance Of Power - Yesterday during a radio interview,...
U.S. - Popularity rank: 4903

Painted In The Corner - Dec 13, 2006
Why Bush Has No Plans Of Making Any Meaningful Changes - George W. Bush...
News & Politics - Popularity rank: 4904

Teenage Girls Targeted By Images - Dec 12, 2006
How The Media Attacks Young Girls - In 1969 a model named Twiggy had...
Health & Fitness - Popularity rank: 4905

Bush Finds Himself Ever More Isolated - Dec 11, 2006
Updated blog - George W. Bush is set to meet with Pentagon insiders this...
News & Politics - Popularity rank: 4907

In Bush's World There Is Always A Loophole - Dec 8, 2006
Jim Baker Comes To Bush's Aid - " The war in Iraq is not going well."...
News & Politics - Popularity rank: 4910

Why Robert Gates Is No Better Than Rumsfeld - Dec 7, 2006
Robert Gates in focus - While the roaring cheers coming from the...
News & Politics - Popularity rank: 4912

On Iraq - Dec 5, 2006
Issues Surrounding Iraq - As the year nears the end, the issues...
News & Politics - Popularity rank: 4915

Future Of U.S. Public Schools On Trial - Dec 4, 2006
Race And U.S. School System - Today the Supreme court could make a...
News & Politics - Popularity rank: 4916

The War Bush Won - Dec 1, 2006
Commentary On The Language Surrounding The War In Iraq - Iraq is in a...
World - Popularity rank: 4921

While Bush Speaks Iraq slips Deeper Into Civil War - Nov 30, 2006
Bush-Al Maliki Meeting - Despite the leaking of a Washington memo that...
World - Popularity rank: 4922

Another Police Attack Caught On Tape - Nov 29, 2006
The Martin Anderson Case - For those of us who live in New York, we have...
U.S. - Popularity rank: 4924

Iraq Slips Into Civil War - Nov 28, 2006
How Iraq slipped Into A Civil War - While Iraq slips ever further into...
World - Popularity rank: 4925

Florida Fails The mentally ILL - Nov 27, 2006
How The Department Of Children And Families Failed The Mentally Sick - ...
U.S. - Popularity rank: 4927

Why Art Centers Could Become The Next Hot Spots - Nov 22, 2006
Art Centers, Last Places For Unknown Artists - Since Thanksgiving is...
Arts & Photography - Popularity rank: 4932

Lessons Never Learned - Nov 21, 2006
How Bush Is Living In Denial - While visiting Vietnam George W. Bush made...
News & Politics - Popularity rank: 4934

More Problems For Bush - Nov 20, 2006
More problems for bush - George W. Bush has left Vietnam today and his now...
World - Popularity rank: 4935

Oh The Irony - Nov 17, 2006
The Irony That Is Bush - Throughout U.S. history, there are always...
World - Popularity rank: 4940

More Election Problems - Nov 16, 2006
Why Florida Can't Be Trusted For Fair Voting - With what has become an on...
U.S. - Popularity rank: 4941

Why Iraq Will Continue To Spin Out Of control - Nov 15, 2006
The Game In the Iraq War - Today is the first day of the hearings...
World - Popularity rank: 4945

Cuba And The Health Of Castro - Nov 14, 2006
Castro's Health And What It Means To The Future Of Cuba - While most of...
World - Popularity rank: 4946

Iraq Rolls On - Nov 13, 2006
Iraq In Focus - Iraq In Focus John Mccain's recent remarks on "Meet The...
U.S. - Popularity rank: 4947

Last Thoughts Of The Elections 2006 - Nov 9, 2006
Elections 2006 - Poor Donald Rumsfeld, always the loyal soldier and...
U.S. - Popularity rank: 4953

The Killing Floor - Nov 8, 2006
2006 Elections - As was expected, the Democrats retook the House last...
U.S. - Popularity rank: 4954

High Rollers At The Table - Nov 6, 2006
A Look At The 2006 Elections - Tomorrow are the elections. So what are we...
U.S. - Popularity rank: 4957

Ground Zero For Elections Is Back In The News - Nov 3, 2006
The Eleventh Hour - Now that the eleventh hour is right around the corner,...
U.S. - Popularity rank: 4959

Black Box Voting 2006 - Nov 1, 2006
2000 All Over again - The echoes of 2000 and 2004 are starting to ring out...
U.S. - Popularity rank: 4962

Third Party Roars - Oct 31, 2006
Third Party Weight - With the 2006 elections barely a week away the...
U.S. - Popularity rank: 4963

Housing Crises - Oct 27, 2006
US housing crises - It now seems that more Americans are unable to afford...
U.S. - Popularity rank: 4968

Medical Marijuana - Oct 26, 2006
Medical Marijuana - Researchers from the University of Ohio have...
Everything Else - Popularity rank: 4969

More Iraq Fall Out - Oct 25, 2006
Failing situation in Iraq - For those that feel the ghost of Vietnam in...
World - Popularity rank: 4970

More Of The Foley Fall Out - Oct 24, 2006
The Foley Case - As the November election quickly approaches, the latest...
U.S. - Popularity rank: 4971

Desperate Housing Market Turns To Faith - Oct 23, 2006
Poor Housing Market - In the ever decreasing housing market around the...
News & Politics - Popularity rank: 4972

Mainstream Media Can No Longer One Important Fact - Oct 20, 2006
Even The Media Must Admit Iraq Is Lost - This being my first blog in...
World - Popularity rank: 4980

A close look on the Religious Right-Wing - Nov 14, 2005
The Religious Right-Wing - The End Times… We’re Right and You’re Wrong...
News & Politics - Popularity rank: 5269

Review of my book. - Oct 19, 2005
Review - For those who are interested, here is a review of my book posted...
Poetry - Popularity rank: 5281

Part2 of how the U.S. Government was taken over - Aug 14, 2005
How The US was Hyjacked - How the U.S. Government Was Hijacked (part2) The...
News & Politics - Popularity rank: 5342

In God We Trust - Jul 26, 2005
The Right Wing In Focus - How U.S. Government was Hijacked (The rise of...
News & Politics - Popularity rank: 5359

My first book - Jun 24, 2005
My First book - Before I wrote political blogs and before I majored in...
Poetry - Popularity rank: 5386

Crack in the Porcelain Empire - Jun 14, 2005
Crack in the Porcelain Empire - Crack in the Porcelain Empire Anyone who...
News & Politics - Popularity rank: 5394

Rancid Soup - May 17, 2005
Front groups for the polluters. - Rancid Soup (Part3 of the fall of the...
News & Politics - Popularity rank: 5410

Save CBGB's - May 13, 2005
Save CBGB's - Save CBGB’s One of New York Cities icons of underground...
Arts & Photography - Popularity rank: 5414

Fall of a Republic (Part2) - Apr 11, 2005
The Lesson Not Learned From the Soviet Union - The Lesson not Learned from...
U.S. - Popularity rank: 5436

The End of the Rupublic - Mar 3, 2005
The End of the Republic - The End of the Republic Part 1 Perhaps the most...
U.S. - Popularity rank: 5466

U.S. Government Claims New Political Prisoner - Feb 10, 2005
U.S. Government Claims another Political Prisoner - U.S. Government Claims...
News & Politics - Popularity rank: 5491

Feeling the Heat - Jan 21, 2005
Sounding the Alarm of Global Warming. - Before I get started on this blog,...
World - Popularity rank: 5514

Nuclear nightmare - Jan 5, 2005
Nuclear Nightmare - The Nuclear Nightmare The purpose of this essay is to...
News & Politics - Popularity rank: 5523

Afghanistan the Hidden Story - Dec 26, 2004
The real story of Afghanistan - Afghanistan, the Forgotten Issue. While...
News & Politics - Popularity rank: 5532

DARPA In Focus - Nov 28, 2004
The DARPA Report, a revision - DARPA: An Agency To Fear Among all the...
News & Politics - Popularity rank: 5558

PNAC: Beyond The Cold War Mind. - Nov 6, 2004
Part 2 of The Project For The New American Century - PNAC: Beyond The Cold...
News & Politics - Popularity rank: 5591

Meet The Project For A New American Century - Oct 20, 2004
The Project For The New American Century - Meet The project For The New...
News & Politics - Popularity rank: 5600

Operation Mongoose - Sep 28, 2004
Operation Mongoose - Operation Mongoose While the later operation of North...
News & Politics - Popularity rank: 5614

What Does The Number 1000 Really Tell Us - Sep 11, 2004
What the number 1000 doesn't tell us about the Iraq situation. - What The...
News & Politics - Popularity rank: 5619

The CIA And The Drug War Scam - Sep 8, 2004
The CIA, The Farc, And Drug Running. - Columbia And The Rise Of The FARC...
News & Politics - Popularity rank: 5621

The Creation of A Monster - Sep 7, 2004
How The CIA Created a Monster - Saddam Hussein And The CIA (Stage One)...
News & Politics - Popularity rank: 5622

Kerry vs. The Machines? - Sep 2, 2004
Part 2 of Voting machine fraud and those who support it. - Kerry vs the...
News & Politics - Popularity rank: 5626

How Voting Machines Could Decide The Elections 04 - Aug 28, 2004
The Biggest Obstacle For A Kerry Victory Could Be The Voting Machines - In...
News & Politics - Popularity rank: 5628

Operation Northwoods - Aug 19, 2004
North Woods (further focus on Cuba as a target) In 1962 the CIA, along...
News & Politics - Popularity rank: 5636

Questions I Would Like To Have Seen Asked During T
(No entries)
News & Politics