Saturday, February 12, 2005
A Somewhat More Grand Pie Scheme By kingmi The golden rule as taught these days In American schools and elsewhere, what every living organism has found: What comes around! The storm here on Blogit! Mountain as in families, firms everywhere, through bitter and bloodied experience found: What comes... Sign in to see full entry.
Monday, January 31, 2005
Voyager's Hero from Cityslickers Inspired this poem: "To Curley"
I stole away from that town beating the dust from my boots And saddle, the acrid taste of whiskey under my tongue. Alone I had traveled for endless, mindless years in my battle To cleanse myself of what they had done. Across the gray prairie I noted the scarcity of grass -- The yellow noonday sun... Sign in to see full entry.
Saturday, January 22, 2005
Beat the Clock Round Four Entry -- "George Bush's Journal"
I am standing atop the pinnacle of man's achievement. They are watching me, waiting for what I have to say. The air is cold, the sun is bright, my feet are in the snow. To many I am the one who brought the party together. To many I am the empty suit, smeared. Perseverence, my friend! I had to think... Sign in to see full entry.
Saturday, January 15, 2005
My Heart Heals and I Turn Left to Ascend the Staircase. I Am Saved.
I am standing on the platform at Atocha Train Station in North Madrid, breathing diesel fumes through my nose. I know that diesel is the most harmful of polluters because the bits are larger and lodge in the tissue of the lungs. I hope that by breathing through my nose I am protecting my twenty-two... Sign in to see full entry.
Saturday, January 8, 2005
My Blood Carries the Enormous Burden
I sit here watching these white and black fools you can't call heroes -- my back aches from the burden of being chased across the international border so many times. Crying, killing, carrying one another: can't care any more, coughing up blood; I'm caught, Christ! I'm not. My skin crawls when I... Sign in to see full entry.
Saturday, January 1, 2005
Gratitude for the New Year.
We rented a car and began driving west, my yongest daughter and I A kind of a lost team, for the time unbonded with the lives of the rest of the family; We respect their capacity to be other-involved, and we invited them to join us. They politely declined, and so we were off. Arizona and Mexico. We... Sign in to see full entry.
Friday, December 24, 2004
"You Are Not A Hologram, I Now Know that in Real Time!"
You stand amid the clutter, arms bent, hands on your hips, like Mama. Your very stature intimdates those with evil intentions, and some of us as well! Your integrity beyond question, magnetic, yet blind to human needs. You are not a hologram, I now know that in real time! About your cranium a winter... Sign in to see full entry.
Tuesday, December 21, 2004
Our Lady of the Perfect Heart - She Has Reached a Turning Point in her Life
Our lady of the perfect heart lies in a hospital bed tonight. She has reached a turning point in her life, and awaits her judgment. Our lady of the perfect heart did it the hard way. One baby at a time until you count eight. Graduated five from college improving on her own record, a high school... Sign in to see full entry.
Monday, December 20, 2004
To My darlings at Christmas Time: May Your Lives Be Whole Again!
"I'm turning my brain off now," you said to me, this morning as I drove you to school. All I wanted you to hear me say was, that jacket you're wearing was meant for when it is cool. "If you don't clean house today, dad, would that be considered a payback? Remember, as you always say, 'paybacks are... Sign in to see full entry.
Friday, December 17, 2004
Our Christmas Tree
Are you happy tonight, contented? Our full Christmas tree, standing tall there, pretending; You do not notice the fresh cut on your lower extremities; Or the cheap string of colored pearls around your bulging neck, blinking? Your intense pride at being one of the first selected, I find attractive... Sign in to see full entry.