Monday, November 21, 2005
" Everybody knows that you love me baby, everybody knows that you really do Everybody knows that you've been faithful, give or take a night or two Everybody knows you've been discreet, there were so many people you just had to meet without your clothes Everybody knows." Mystery Poet Sign in to see full entry.
Saturday, November 19, 2005
You are native American and finally ready to stop blaming others..........
Saturday, April 9, 2005 You Decline the Easy Math Page You Need So Desperately "No Worse than 'Day of the Dead!'" So, you didn't get to go! You, a tall and thin American-born Anglo with colors and features so dark it makes me wonder about your native soul. You declined the early warning, you said... Sign in to see full entry.
Friday, July 22, 2005
Let Me Tell You, Baby, Can You Hear My Heart Beep?.........................
I just spoke with you last night, and what a delight; I had to have an excuse to call, but I couldn't let you know, how flattered I am by your steadiness; I just love you to pieces, and I cannot say so. I'm thrilled at the command you have over your life. I guess I'm Daddy now. But I remember what I... Sign in to see full entry.
Friday, July 8, 2005
Dedicated to My London Friends, A Repost of My Madrid Bombing Poem
My Heart Heals and I Turn Left to Ascend the Staircase. I Am Saved. I am standing on the platform at Atocha Train Station in North Madrid, breathing diesel fumes through my nose. I am twenty-two. The air is dry and sweet, the mountains barely visible in an orange and pink, distant sunset. She steps... Sign in to see full entry.
Thursday, June 23, 2005
Timmy How Does this Look?
Blood runnin' down the thighs of the city. Death comes out at night. Your palace becomes your prison, you've got yourself locked in tight. True love; New love Now it's all about you, love. I knew love; It was a true love Can't nothin' but feel blue love. The neon lights are calling you, The streets... Sign in to see full entry.
That's Better, for now. I've gotta find my cribsheet.
Blood runnin' down the thighs of the city. Death comes out at night. Your palace becomes your prison, you've got yourself locked in tight. True love; New love Now it's all about you, love. I knew love; It was a true love Can't nothin' but feel blue love. The neon lights are calling you, The streets... Sign in to see full entry.
Chord Changes like Hotel CA or CA Dreamin' -- from Timmy & Me!
Blood runnin' down the thighs of the city. Death comes out at night. Your palace becomes your prison, you've got yourself locked in tight. The neon lights are calling you, The streets become your whore In your lifetime you'll not see it all 'Cause there's always something more. True love; New love... Sign in to see full entry.
Saturday, May 28, 2005
They Are the Loneliest Guys in Town
OK, I Know I Can Do Better Than That! It is Saturday morning; I feel more like little Spanky of "Our Gang: Little Rascals" fame every day. Saturday morning and he was buttering up his mom to stay home and take a sick day: Oh, my stomach! She said Spanky, it's Saturday. She leaves his room and he... Sign in to see full entry.
Saturday, May 21, 2005
Gratitude Having Been Resurrected from the Roster of the Spiritually Dead
As I said, in retrospect my life is pretty good. The two babies are taking me places now, preparing to travel to Europe. It seems I just returned from there myself. Chelsea with her academic success at last. Caity with her little red car, her medical aspirations and boyfriends. My daily tiptoe... Sign in to see full entry.
Thursday, May 5, 2005
student work my Favorite Internet Site Saul
My Favorite Internet Site saul My favorite internet site is so cool because you can hear a lot kind of music. the internet site is call musica Urbana. Always when I use a computer always I go to musica Urbana because I like to hear music. In musica Urbana the kind of music what I hear is hip hop and... Sign in to see full entry.