The Ciel Show

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Saturday, August 2, 2008

Dog Day Afternoon

Our Davy had his last round of shots to day--got his rabies tag and a new long leash, and a sort of no-pull face halter that is a bit confusing to put on. He doesn't much like it yet, this new thing that fits around his snout and neck. But he'll get used to it, and so will I. We went for a long walk after the vet trip, the same trail that I walked last year for a series of photos called Walking Against the Light. Offy will remember that one, I'm sure. It is called Watershed Park, and is an... Sign in to see full entry.

A new poem...

Who? I look for you your sweet face gleaming on the very edge of dreaming, I seek you, yearning to believe, to know that you are real... that we are in a world turning, together loving, touching, laughing, waltzing on a harlequin ballroom floor, chequered black and white, smooth and perfect in a forest glen, beneath crystal skies and lit by fireflies... Sign in to see full entry.

Friday, August 1, 2008

A story of shell-shock

One of my boyfriends so many years ago was so anxious about going to Viet Nam that he talked his doctor into lying on his medical form. His great fear was that having had scarlet fever as a kid, he would not be allowed to go. He had been raised, he told me later, to fight WWII over again. His parents were both Army, having served in the Pacific as a pilot and a nurse. He ended up flying helicopters in Nam, unable to qualify as a pilot. But that is other stories. This is the story of his stint in... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Two Ribbons at the County Fair!

Thurston County Fair opened today. Last week I was going to the framer to get proper mats for my entries to the photo exhibit--picked up the six pieces on Saturday morning and delivered them to the Fair judges. Sunday was the judging which I didn't attend. So today when the Fair opened, I took a look. There were quite a few entries, some of them really beautiful, dramatic, and worth awards. A lot of them didn't get the recognition they deserved-- and I'm not just talking about my own that didn't... Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

So.. about that move to New Zealand...

(I first wrote about my daughter's Big Plan in my Loosely Speaking blog, but it is more a journal thing, so it belongs here.) Well, the Plan was seen to be flawed pretty quickly, and so I am not packing for that trip just yet. But there is a simpler version in the works which entails waiting until she has her dog-training set-up actually set up. The biggest flaw was the issue of doggy quarantine--only a month in a kennel in Singa, with 2 more at home before Davy could go to NZ. But to go direct... Sign in to see full entry.

Got out!

I've had my photo cards and prints on display in a vendor-mall sort of place for the past year. The rent was cheap, the space was clean and at first, busy. The owners were and are totally amateur, but had big ideas and good intentions for the most part. But when the one brother--the quiet anxious one-- sold out to the other--the manic, Let's-Change-It-Up one--things began to slide off in a direction that was less and less the one I needed to go in. I stuck with it against my occasional thoughts... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Davy Meets The River

We went for our first public walk together today, strolling down to the park where the river runs through, and there are woodsy, sandy trails. It was Davy's walk, not about learning the manners of heeling and suchlike, which he was not nearly as interested in as he was sniffing every dog-scent that has been down those paths since spring! Though I reeled him in when we met other walkers, I pretty much let him choose the way and the timing. When I was sure of the direction I wanted, though, he was... Sign in to see full entry.

I dreamed of lava...

Red and snapping devouring like a dragon... and with a touch like Midas' turning everything to flame... Oozing unhurried from the deep hot places of the Earth... Overtaking by fascination like a serpent-- So suddenly, it's too late to run! Sign in to see full entry.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

The Scottish Play

Ask any theatrical pro: it is the worst invitation to Bad Luck to mention the name of Macbeth in a theater. Except, presumeably, during a performance of Shakespeare's play. So it is commonly referred to in a theater, as The Scottish Play. In fact, Vanessa Redgrave made that reference in a recent awards show. I just thought I would mention that. I watched a production of Macbeth today, not Shakespeare's, but the opera by Verdi. It was on public television, a new production from the Metropolitan... Sign in to see full entry.


Welcome to the Ciel Show. Formerly The Roving Eye blog, in 'art and photography' this is now acknowledged for the direction it was heading, and has become officially a 'journal' blog. I'd like to say it is like having friends over for tea... but as I will probably do most of the talking, and some will wander into this salon and never even say hello, it is probably more like a small stage in a minor hall. There is a chair-- possibly TAPS will give me that one she no longer needs-- and a... Sign in to see full entry.

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