The Ciel Show

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Monday, August 18, 2008

I know he'll be back!

Samantha posted this morning about the unhappy anticipation of watching her daughter, her pal, head out to college. I know the feeling! I sent my youngest, Charlie, off to college last year, and it was I who insisted he get far from the familiar ground and routines of home. He was reluctant to leave the area he grew up in, the one he knows best, his good friends and a good bus system. (He is a kid who never much has wanted the independence and... Sign in to see full entry.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Well, then... Enough of the art festival!

Yes, I'm home already and not planning to go back tomorrow. For one thing, I am quite sunburnt enough! I haven't been this red in years! And of course, it has to be in a funny-looking pattern because of the particular blouse I was wearing, and how badly I need a haircut. For another, it was almost no fun at all, sharing the space with the jewelry artist who invited me. Do you know folks who are so sure of their own way being the best of all possible ways that they never stop to consider or to... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Art show tomorrow!

I've been invited very last minute to participate in an arts fest in Poulsbo, WA. Tonight I have to have all my stuff ready to go, in the car, to be up there by set-up time, 8:30 am. It's right by the water, at the marina. And tomorrow is gonna be hot! Lucky I have a sunshade, since my partner there won't be able to bring hers. I hope it will be hot other ways, too! Last month I withdrew from the vendor mall I've been displaying for a year--lately that was all: displaying, not selling anything.... Sign in to see full entry.

Charlie's home again for a moment!

Our Davy is wiggling and contorting and frantic with joy to see Charlie again! I told Charlie, "We all feel that way!" Charlie's here for less than a week, just enough time to throw a quick birthday party with his high school buddies, play a game or two, see his sweetie, a gal over in Ellensburg across the mountains, and pack up his stuff for the next year of college. Then we are off again for another road-trip across the West! Yay! Not sure if Davy will accompany us or not... He is still a bit... Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Feeling much better now!

Throat is still scratchy, but the rest of it... well, let's just call it Something I Ate that resolved itself around dawn, and after some more sleep, I feel almost perky! Davy was patient, keeping the floor outside my door warm until I emerged around 11. He isn't allowed into my room as I have promised the cats they can have at least one room in the house where they can relax. He is not aggressive with them, just always wants to play, is always inviting them to play, bouncing around like a mad... Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Feeling poorly...

Sometime around mid-afternoon I began to feel sorta blah. Tried a lie-down, reading until I couldn't keep my eyes open, then turned out the light and failed to fall asleep for an hour. Got up, puttering around, feeling that pre-cough slight tightness. I hope it's allergy, or poor air quality. Meanwhile Davy is chipperer than ever... I wonder how he feels about going to bed early. A dull scene in the Ciel Show... Probbly tomorrow I will erase this. Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Soup for breakfast..

Started this as a comment in Rainbow Writer's blog... answering her question about a quick-track to losing 50 lbs. If any of my experience is helpful, here it is. It isn't about dieting, it's about re-learning how to eat. Lentil is low fat and high quality protein with minimal carbs... My current favorite is a chicken with wild and red rice--carbs but good ones, and the truth is, we need those even when losing weight. Gumbo is good--my mom... Sign in to see full entry.

My son is coming home on Thursday!

He will be home less than a week, then we are off on the Back to School drive across the west, to Colorado. I don't think we'll take Davy this time--he is a bit young for it yet, and would make it very difficult to visit my mom along the way. She is not comfortable with dogs, and especially not such highly enthusiastic ones as Davy! The truck is just not roomy enough nor secure enough to put him in the back, even with the canopy on, for visiting purposes. But he is getting used to hanging out in... Sign in to see full entry.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Following the Torch

The Olympics are on! I've been watching today, and watched part of the opening ceremonies last night, and remembering the time I was part of the Olympic Torch relay. It must have been 25 years ago, or so... I was driving alone up in British Columbia, south of Vancouver. It was evening after a long day, and I had stopped for a light before turning right onto the main east/west highway. It took me a while to realize that the light had remained red for a considerable time-perhaps because I was a... Sign in to see full entry.

Good Dog!

Usually, Saturday is like any other day... starting around 7:30 with a sad puppy expressing his discontent in mournful yps and whines and cries because he is awake and can't seem to get out of his room... Oh, Woe! Abandonment! OOOH sorrow and wooooooe! Helphelphelp! Wooooe and misery and Wooooe! And there I go, disentangling from the three cats that so graciously share my bed with me, stumbling bleary-eyed down the house to free him and reassure him and hustle him outside to make his... Sign in to see full entry.

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