The Ciel Show for Sunday, August 29, 2010

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Sunday, August 29, 2010


When I was a kid, it made no sense to me that the change of years was marked in January, when so clearly, beginnings came in September. New clothes, new notebooks and pencils, new teacher and classroom, everything fresh and new and unspoiled. New leaves turned, new resolutions affirmed... Even now, September has that feel for me, that appeal of new opportunities, of taking that first fresh breath of cool air after the season of heat... The sense of getting things in order after a free-wheeling... Sign in to see full entry.

itsy bitsy teeny weenie

One difficulty with this new laptop: It is set to produce the very finest, as in smallest size of print. I have gone to the % in the lower right and upped it to 150% and that helps for some things. I have looked in the 'appearance' settings and wandered around in the forest of settings and options generally, and I can't find a way to change this default. Anyone have any suggestions? Before I take it back to the professional geeks and ask them? Sign in to see full entry.

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