Big V Mumbles About Something

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Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Christmas Morning Musings

I stood outside last night until about 2 AM, watching the sky here in the UP. The night was wonderfully clear with a huge full moon that rose in the east and made its way to the southern sky. The stars were not to be outdone by the moon, and they punctuated the darkness as crisp stabs of light. It... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, December 24, 2018

Merry Christmas!

I just stepped outside for what I hope is the last time tonight with the dogs. There is a huge full moon filling the eastern sky, and the stars are shining brightly despite the glow of the moon. As I ponder the night and its meaning to me, I can't help but wonder if it wasn't a night like this some... Sign in to see full entry.


Pay no attention to the blathering of the man stuck in the middle of the snow covered place in previous places. It's Christmas and my emotions are high right now. I just posted the poem I told you that would come with the rest of the story. This was my first serious attempt to do prose in one of my... Sign in to see full entry.

It seems that the Post Office, the bank, and even some of the local stores all wanted to close early, and I don't blame them. Of all the holidays we have, Christmas is my most sacred and favored. I had a lot of 'monkey' business to attend, so I haven't even sat down to do much more than make a... Sign in to see full entry.

Sunday, December 23, 2018

My Grown Up Christmas List

This is one of my first for public videos I ever made back in 2001 for some friends who live in Brooklyn, NY as the first Christmas post the disaster there in Manhattan. It is a collage of photos set to one of my favorite songs, My Grown Up Christmas List. I hope you enjoy it. Sign in to see full entry.

I was up late last night, but not writing anything. I got a call about ten PM from a friend who has been living alone for the last fifteen years. Lonely and lost, we talked until about 2 AM. I don't see how people can see someone who desperately needs help and keep walking by them, looking the other... Sign in to see full entry.

Saturday, December 22, 2018

The word of the day is "Cold." "Windy" is the runner up. I was in the hardware store looking to buy a roll of wire for a project, and happened to mention that I had moved to my basement for the winter. I was taken back a bit when the man there told me that probably half of Newberry had done the same... Sign in to see full entry.

Friday, December 21, 2018

I'm more of an evening type of person, and I think I am going to begin to change up my patterns here. I'm going to be doing my regular business stuff and writing writing in the morning, and start posting it here later in the evening. The 'Carrie Greene' story will end on or about Christmas day,... Sign in to see full entry.

It's 27 and snowing like crazy outside, fulfilling my prediction that we would pay for those three 38 - 42 degree days! All the bare spots that developed are now gone. The steady 25 mph wind off Lake Superior is making me wish I had done my 'downtown work' yesterday as I had planned. Naturally, I'm... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, December 20, 2018

Whew. It took me an hour where it normally only takes about twenty minutes, but I sent up my audition trial for my next Audible book. The steps are over in my "Let's Write" blog. I hope everything is clear enough! I had a problem uploading the script, something that really irritated me for a bit,... Sign in to see full entry.

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