Can You Believe This?

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Friday, August 26, 2005

Tibetan Monks Honor Ali

Somewhere in some desolate part of the world, a group of Tibetan monks are basically locking themselves in and using sand to make a tribute to Muhhamed Ali. This is an AP wire story. I keep telling you, I can't make up stuff that's as good as what's real. Traditionally, the monks destroy the artwork... Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Why it pays to learn a second language

or at least stops you from giving your money away. Sometimes my mind runs around faster than Matthew Lesko in a 15-second radio spot. He bounces until I get the original thought to go away. I've been trying, so you're getting it. To get a degree in Journalism at the University I attended, one of the... Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

To all who are asking since I've dropped out

So many people have been asking what's going on that I want to check in. I know I've been laying low. I tend to become pretty introverted when stuff happens in my life. It doesn't help that I work 10-12 hours a day, have the house/yard to take care of, and the job of recreating my financial history... Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Rerun---Fighting Cows in Switzerland

I came to Blogit to test out some humor writing styles. This was from the first week I was here, so I don't think many saw it. I'm throwing it out there again. Can you believe this? Fighting Cows in Switzerland A Day in the Life of Mim The Fighting Cows of Switzerland By Kim & Mike You can’t make... Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, August 9, 2005

Winning the Lottery---a good dating test question

My mom fixed me up with someone just after I had separated. No, I can't believe I did it, and I wouldn't do it again. Yes, there were warning signs it would be a disaster. He had to have 5 guys at his house picking out his clothing to go to a dinner theatre. He showed up in shorts. Five guys for him... Sign in to see full entry.

Sunday, August 7, 2005

They say you can't go home again. Does that apply to love?

I'm not in this one. In fact the thought scares the crud out of me. My cousin married an abusive guy when she was about 18. He disappeared quickly. (No, we had nothing to do with it.) She remarried the big love of her life who was age preoccupied and narcissistic, IMO. I love my cousin dearly. This... Sign in to see full entry.

Saturday, August 6, 2005

Can a good person do really bad things and go back to being good

I'm not talking from any religious sense here, so try to keep it purely on the secular level. When I was going through my divorce, I had a friend in the military giving me advice. To boot, as a journalist who has always hung with cops I think I can pigeonhole people quickly---a good thing and a bad... Sign in to see full entry.

Rafe Palmero---did he, or didn't he?

I thought the steroid debates were somewhat behind us. Rafeal Palmero has just been suspended, and I can't help but wonder, "Why now?" All the talk was months and months ago. The shakeout would have been then. Jose Conseco is on The Surreal Life this season. He had to autograph his book, and people... Sign in to see full entry.

Friday, July 29, 2005

Talk Among Yourselves...Jesus versus Jesus

I know, I know... the craziest things pop into my head. I can't stop it. So, I was sitting at my desk today with my headphones on, listening to the soundtrack for Jesus Christ Superstar. I've probably listened to this a hundred+ times. Two things I've never picked up that smacked me in the face... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Duct Tape Cures Cancer

Well, it does if it's that rust-cancer in one of those big-boat cars old ladies like to drive. Wait, reality check. I'm good. I got to borrow back my old car, a Mustang from my son. Whew. Anyway...I was driving down the highway, and I spotted this massive dark blue car with streamers coming out of... Sign in to see full entry.

Headlines (What is this?)