skye08 Living with Alzhiemer's

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Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Pallative Care

We had an outing to the VA today to see Dr. Proctor and get transferred to the Pallative Care Team. It's hospice care with even more. Dr. Proctor used to be a nurse and we had seen her one time before. I was very impressed with her then and even more so now. Her nursing background gives her an... Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Energy Savings

Energy Savings Each day starts as the day before. Will I die today? No. As I start the day to feed, bathe and dress him, my own pain creeps up the scale. I look at his paleness an note the wasting muscles and see him whither more each day. Confusion ever growing and hallucinations to match. I'm told... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, December 15, 2008

well, He's still cleaning out His Closet

Actually, he is just moving the same clothes around the room and rehanging them in the same place. He is OCD about his clothes hangers. They can't be plastic. They must be wire with a sticky card board to hang his pants on. He has been self sufficient and even dressed himself today and shaved... Sign in to see full entry.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Please see A Caregivers Thoughts

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Left to His Own Devices; He's Awfully Quiet on this Rollercoaster Ride

Parkinsons is a strange disease. One minute Richard is frozen and cannot move or do anything no matter how hard he may try and you coax and stimulate nerve synapsis of the leg needing to move. Then all of a sudden movement starts. This is especially true if he thinks you are not meeting his needs... Sign in to see full entry.

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