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Sunday, December 15, 2013

I’m back!

I’m back!!! I know hardly anyone (if any) people read this blog, as I’m so bloody lazy. But it’s more for my own mental health. This blog has helped me through some tough times, and even though the skies are pretty black now, I can see a way out. I still work at Morrisons the supermarket, but in the New Year I go part time, which should give me some more time to make money online. I am involved in some really interesting programmes, and although the whole world and his brother are doing it too,... Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Hips and Hops!

Ups and downs with the online investments. First the bad news. Adzibiz and Allex finance went down. I lost round about $80 when they disappeared. Not a fortune, but I could have done without it. My instincts told me to be weary of them, so at least I never put too much money in them. Now the good news. I’ve made a profit as today of around $150. This is for an investment of around $500. When they all mature this will be almost $1,000, but it’s a white knuckled ride for a month or so. I’m not... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, August 29, 2013


One of the latest gambles I’ve found on the wonderful internet, is the High Yield Investment Program or hyip. This is gamble on a grand scale, as it involved what they call the forex market, or foreign exchange currency markets. As the Dollar and the Yen race neck to neck across the globe, those brave lads in their offices sit and decide the fate of nations. If you’ve ever watched Michael Douglas in Wall Street, it’s sadly all true. The outcome is, that they don’t play with their own money but... Sign in to see full entry.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Brighter future.

Anyone who has ever read this blog will know that things have looked pretty black for me in the past. I can now say that there might be a chink of light on the horizon. Some of my investments look like they might just actually work. I’m fed up with always looking on the dark side of life, and so are my guardian Angels. People might be appalled at the thought of relying on such a gamble to take the place of a living wage, but I think this is my wake up call. I’ve dabbled in the black arts over... Sign in to see full entry.

Friday, August 23, 2013

News on the money front!

Well, the news is good, as some of my things are paying, but some faster than others. The revenue sharing sites, like: Rev ads, Ad hits profit and Azibiz, are so slow and pay so little, you have to have thousands in them to make anything worth worrying about. However the bigger gamble is paying off, in the form of the Forex HYIPs. The best is one called: After90 days. This pays around 2.6% a day. I put $25 in 3 days ago, and I’ve already made about three and a half dollars. If I was to put $500... Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Top of the Pops and time travel

As I write, I’m listening to the BBC broadcast of the old 1978 top of the Pops. I can remember us all sitting and watching this back in 78. Love it or hate it, it’s part of our Historical heritage. And as I think back, I try and remember that young guy who had such dreams of where he would be 40 years in the future. They certainly did not involve this. But when you listen to the music you are taken back in time batter than anything else. You can remember the state of mind you had as you sat and... Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Making money!

Things are rolling on. My first tentative steps at making money are going well. Rev Ads network, is just making a modest amount of money, and I trust it enough now to think about putting more money in. This won’t make a week’s wages, but I’m happy with that. The others like Ad hits profit, are stable enough to put some money in too, but the same is true, I would not feel happy putting more than £1,000 into any of it, as I could afford to lose that, and walk away. The trick is to spread the bet... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Minimum Wage?

Today my After 90 day account returned me $0.26 for the day. If I was to put $1,000 into this, at the end of the week, I would make more money than I do working at the Supermarket. So I could get the same as I would for the minimum wage, by just staring at the screen. My other investments are running slow. Savings Highway and Team Vinh, have proved a disappointing waste of time. I can’t ever see the money coming in from them Rev ads profit, and Ad hits profits, do make money but you are talking... Sign in to see full entry.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Hyips and hypes

Things have cooled down a bit after yesterday. I have taken down the videos promoting the Rev’ but I can make some new ones, under another title. They will never know, and I want to make some about Home Working and generally making money from your home business. I think it is possible to make money from a home business, and there are plenty of things which pay you. I’m involved in a few things at the moment, and I’ll go into that later. But for now, if you have the heart of a lion and want to... Sign in to see full entry.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Reviting it up!

The scheme I’m in Rev ads Network, has a support page on Facebook. I just happened to mention that I had made a video on Youtube which told the truth as I saw it. Boy what a mistake. I said it was a big GAMBLE and that they made their money risking it on the Forex market. Which they do. Like a fool, I mentioned that I had made a video, and they asked that they might like to see it. So like an idiot, I told them. I was flooded by irate investors saying that it made them look bad. That they didn’t... Sign in to see full entry.

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