Irish Eye's Imagination

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Sunday, July 1, 2007

a mighty task

Love the Child As night gives over to day, A sunrise as beautiful as sunset. An infant's hand curls round, A finger of love. Giving trust, hoping to grow, needing everything. An overwhelming task never ending, Through daylight and night or any weather. A responsibility bestowed to make one worry.... Sign in to see full entry.

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Date With A Cowboy

Kyle was dancing with Gina leaving Dusty and Christy alone. Dusty was sulking angered his cast was hampering his good time. Christy realized his sullen mood, and tried to draw him out of it. “The music is nice isn’t it?” she offered taking his hand in hers holding it gently. “Yes it is, would be... Sign in to see full entry.

Tree House Seduction

A familiar arm circled her waist, John was always there for her. Kim sighed cleansing her sad thoughts pushing them back inside her heart, locking them with her key of knowledge. She realized if he had been there she would of went with him, perhaps it was best this way. "You okay? I know you've been... Sign in to see full entry.

Friday, June 29, 2007


This is Technology?????? Commercials seduce us with ads, Radio bombard us with jingles. TV don't get me started! Yesterday's cell phone is obsolete, They laugh when you ask for an upgrade. Get this it's the latest technology, You will hook up faster, Check your email, watch a movie, send a text, Oh... Sign in to see full entry.

silly thought

Why Write? Luck be with me I hope, As I go seeking destiny. Sometimes I wonder why, Other than to measure myself, Or leave a bit of me behind. It's not for fame, I know it's not for money, I think it's my driving passion, For words left behind. I truly believe a written word is never forgotten, And... Sign in to see full entry.

Blood Crime

Wounded by the shot meant for the store keeper, fired from the hand of a fellow gang member. Dyllan grabbed an ice cold soda from the freezer pressing against his oozing wound, as he welcomed and enveloped the chill of the walk in freezers. The fellow gang members were looting the place, taking all... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, June 28, 2007


She was almost to the park her face full of hope he'd be there. Alas his bench was empty, oh well she was sure he'd be along. She settled under the tree today, as it was sunny. She surveyed the park, it was always alive. Swings creaking as they glided, the merry go round turning to the gleeful cries... Sign in to see full entry.


Ice Cream Seduction “ What flavor?” “Chocolate fudge passion,” He smiled and ordered, A double cone to split. On the bench they perched, He watched her tongue swirl and taste. She offered him some, His lips tasted the sweet, Deep confection licking hungrily. Good? She asked Mmmmmmm….yes, She slid... Sign in to see full entry.

Remembered Passion

Clare closed the photo album with a smile on her face, oh the memories, where had the time went? She thought back to the day she and Mark first kissed, back behind the old oak by the creek that ran behind both their houses. They had know each other forever, but spent most of their time trying to... Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007


Seduction Across The Room Their eyes meet…neither look away, Her hand coaxes down her neck……slowly, He admires her abundant cleavage. She smiles licking her luscious lips… Playing with his lust. God she’s devouring me, He moves to her…. As she comes halfway. Inches from each other’s body, The erotic... Sign in to see full entry.

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