If I get smart with you....how will you know?: The Tallest GIF File Ever Made???

By Corbin_Dallas - About Me - E-mail this page - Add to My Favorites - Add to Blog List - See other blogs in Opinion

Sunday, March 22, 2009

The Tallest GIF File Ever Made???

The importance of a distraction......especially when deflecting from a newly discovered political disaster. American Sentinel decided to develop a graph comparing Obama's underestimation of his own budget to the AIG bonuses. So, if as reported by ABC, the AIG bonuses were "staggering in size," then... Sign in to see full entry.
Current Time in KENTUCKY "The Bluegrass State"

Previous: An Adult Finally Comes Forward and Blocks The AIG Bonus Tax Bill! - New Entries - Next: Really...How Does That Balloon Still Stay Afloat???

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