Member Profile for SpitFire70


 See my "About Me" page

Member Since:

July 30, 2003
Contact: Send E-mail
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and referral bonuses)
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Spitfire- The Aries Poster Child - Feb 1, 2013
Why Did the Chicken Cross the Road? - This question has been around for as...
Humor - Popularity rank: 849

Finding Mariah - Sep 28, 2011
“Want to Hear the Most Annoying Sound in the World?” - I title this entry...
Journal - Popularity rank: 1086

Spitfire "Raps About the Haps" in Blogitville - Aug 20, 2010
Should You Really Stay & PAY to Remain A Member On Blogit?? - We all pay...
On Blogging - Popularity rank: 1395

Spitfire's Politically Incorrect - Aug 20, 2010
Have You Ever Heard of “Women Gone Wild?” Of Course Not. - It’s always...
Opinion - Popularity rank: 1396

Poetry On Fire - Aug 6, 2010
It's Not Me - Feeling misunderstood Your words have hurt me I am saddened...
Poetry - Popularity rank: 1422

Far Be It For Me To Complain, But... - Jul 13, 2010
Did I Die? Am I a Ghost? - Everyone seems to be ignoring me these days....
Journal - Popularity rank: 1448

Spitfire's Real Animal Stories - Nov 3, 2009
Is Your Dog Lonely for Love? Is He Homely & Can’t Find a Canine Date? - ...
Pets - Popularity rank: 1830

Spitfire's Paranormal & Metaphysical Pages - Aug 5, 2009
Wanna Know What Your Major Life Lesson is for This Life? I’ll Tell You! - ...
Everything Else - Popularity rank: 1945

Diary of a Clairsentient Witch - Apr 13, 2009
Living Among the Dead - It's been a while since I posted in this blog but...
Religion & Spirituality - Popularity rank: 2219

In Fact, Yes. I DO Have All the Answers - Mar 5, 2006
I’m Confessing. I’m Gonna Cheat! I Don’t Care And Here’s Why - I am sick...
Opinion - Popularity rank: 5195

Spitfire's Privates - Sep 10, 2004
(Entries hidden - blog rated MA)
Mature Audiences - Popularity rank: 5620