People I Love And/Or Admire
By Jemmie211 - About Me - E-mail this page - Add to My Favorites - Add to Blog List - See other blogs in Family & Parenting
Sunday, March 29, 2015Wrote This Piece A While Ago After Finding a Long-Lost Friend on FacebookFunny how life works. When I began my Freshman year at the University of Hawaii at Manoa (UHM), I was scared. I wondered if I’d fit in. I wondered if I’d even be liked, since, most of my life, my classmates didn’t seem to like me much. I dormed in Hale Lokelani (a part of the Hale Aloha Towers). It... Sign in to see full entry.Wednesday, January 29, 2014You! My Blogit Readers and Commenters!You guys are amazing! You lift me up when I am feeling down. You touch my heart with your comments and your support! There a simply no words that could adequately explain the joy you bring to my heart and to my life. Thank you so very much to you all! Sign in to see full entry.Sunday, January 26, 2014AmyBack when I was a Freshman in high school, I met a girl, Amy, in band class. She sat next to me in the flute section. She was a beautiful, outgoing, funny, and smart young lady. We took a liking to each other almost instantly. After talking for a few days, she confessed that she thought a boy in... Sign in to see full entry.Tuesday, August 13, 2013Jo-JoI have known this person practically all my life. In junior high we'd walk to PE together singing the jingle of a local store's radio commercial. She has ALWAYS accepted me for who I am and never judged me on my appearance, intellect, sense of humor, or, well, anything! And this, alone, has meant... Sign in to see full entry.Saturday, August 25, 2012Lori . . .We all live our own lives. We all have our own perspectives. We all see people in our own unique way. This is “my” Lori: I didn’t know her well in high school. She hung out with the popular kids. I did not. I never wanted to be judged by others who didn’t know me, but I judged Lori by the actions of... Sign in to see full entry.Tuesday, July 3, 2012AuntieMy great-aunt LaVerne, or Auntie, as we all call her, had a massive stroke over the weekend. She is still alive, but just barely. She cannot swallow, therefore cannot eat or drink on her own. She was talking at first--in garbled sentences--but now she cannot speak. She signed a DNR prior to this, so... Sign in to see full entry.Saturday, March 31, 2012JD Martin-IloMy son. My heart. My life. This tiny being brings me more joy than I ever thought possible. He fills my heart with love and happiness. To walk in my front door after work and see his smile is to be beyond joyful. Each day I sit with him on the floor and wonder at his brilliance. He may be only 15... Sign in to see full entry.Monday, March 22, 2010From "The Secret"A Secret Scrolls message from Rhonda Byrne Creator of The Secret From The Secret Daily Teachings Write down all the great things about everyone you know. Make a huge list of all the wonderful things about you. Compliment people wherever you go. Praise every single thing you see. Be a ray of sunshine... Sign in to see full entry.Monday, March 1, 2010Julie HillIt's been a long time since I've thought of Julie. Usually I think of her when some childhood memory comes to the surface or when I pass by houses in which she once lived. She found me today on Facebook. All these memories came flooding back when I saw her name. Tea-juice. I think Julie was the... Sign in to see full entry.Wednesday, June 3, 2009I Posted This Years Ago In This Blog, But I Think I Fits Here AgainGrandma Though we are separated by an ocean, I see you daily. Your sweet face, curly white hair still streaked with black, your huggable body. But what I see most vividly are your hands. Your long, slender fingers I have watched many a time dance across piano keys. Your pale, almost transparent... Sign in to see full entry. |