Guy's blog about life with pets in northern mich.: Three heartwarming anniversary stories. Guess I'm just sentimental. Sniff!

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Saturday, December 4, 2010

Three heartwarming anniversary stories. Guess I'm just sentimental. Sniff!

Three guys were sitting in a bar talking; one was a Doctor, one was a Lawyer, and one was an outlaw Biker. After a sip of his martini, the doctor said; "You know, tomorrow is my anniversary. I got my wife a diamond ring and a new Mercedes. I figure that if she doesn't like the diamond ring, she will at least like the Mercedes, and she will know that I love her." After finishing his scotch, the lawyer replied; "Well, on my last anniversary, I got my wife a string of pearls and a trip to the... Sign in to see full entry.

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