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Thursday, February 1, 2007


9-5! Today I will work from 14.30 hours until 23.30 hours (2.30 pm – 11.30 pm). Once I get home, round about midnight, I have to be up at 5.50 in the morning to go back again. Provided I get to sleep as soon as my head touches the pillow, I might get 4 and half hours sleep. How many people do this sort of job? Now, if I worked at an air base or in the medical profession, it’s understandable. But to clock in at a supermarket, is ridiculous to say the least. Fortunately I only have to put up with... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, January 29, 2007

Torn between 2 Lovers!

Torn between 2 Lovers! I have so many things on the go, it’s a sad shame that only one is paying me any money,and it’s the one I hate the most! In half an hour I have to go to work in the supermarket and waste away a 9 hour day. It’s one of those places that when you walk through the door, you don’t know what’s going to hit you. And all of it bad. They love change for change sake, and every move is a retrograde step. The whole point of the place is to get you to leave. Still, I have many more... Sign in to see full entry.

Friday, January 26, 2007

After an absence of nearly six months, I’m back! I’ve finally found the courage to stump up the 6 bucks and get back on the network. When I first joined, it was free. You just made money by getting people to look at your page. The Webmasters found the money from somewhere and handed it to you. Sure enough, they seem to have run out of money and resorted to getting it out of the writers. There are some people who make a little money out of this, and the best of luck to them. Even the biggest... Sign in to see full entry.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

The End of Time?

The End of Time? Last night watched Tony Robinson and his program about the American cult. These are the people who literally believe the book of Revelations, and it’s message about the Armageddon. Now we can all jump to the obvious conclusions. That they are all mad and backward, and not like us O’ so clever people of a higher race. But I was struck by another far more worrying point which the program threw up. One of the preachers said that their problems could not be solved by other means. He... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, September 14, 2006


this is a test just to see if I am still allowed to be on here! Steve. Sign in to see full entry.

Sunday, July 2, 2006

Set backs!

The Roulette plan has had to be put on hold. I simply do not have enough stake money to make it pay. Things are really bad. I’ve put in for a job in the local supermarket, which is about as low as you can go. But there is a good chance of getting it and I have to consider what next. In a way I wish I had been thrown into the world of work from the start. In other words, when my business partner, George died in January. My only real hope is to start up the gardening again. I liked it, it was... Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

How to waste a fortune!

Having put my roulette plan into action. It did work, and it didn’t. I did make a profit, but I was so nervous about taking the £40 out of my bank account, that I wasted no time in pouring it back. I got up to 60 and each time I took back 10 to put back in the account I borrowed it from. Sure, I got my money back, but because the system relies on leaving the money rolling for a good half an hour, it started to dip. And when it dipped, there was not enough left in it to see me through the bad... Sign in to see full entry.

Friday, June 23, 2006

Russian Roulette!

R ussian Roulette! After reaching the depths of despair I have finally turned to gambling. After a stupid and rash attempt to trust in God and just throw £10 at the table, they matched it with £10 and sat and watched me lose the lot! Since then I have become a little more hard headed. I have run 50 simulations, running an average of up to 200 spins on each (ave: 10,000) and have only lost on 4. The reason for the loss was that I either started out with too little money, or changed the betting... Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Jobs in the offing!

Today I had an interview at Newage engineering. Having sub-contracted to them in the past I know what to expect. Not sure if I want the job though. Very good money, and to someone so deep in the stuff as me, I can’t afford to turn it down. But we’ll see what we see. Another interview is for an office junior at the local prison. That is so weird I’m thinking of going just for the hell of it. But a more interesting one is for a local clothing firm. Only packing, but the money is good. Engineering... Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, June 6, 2006

How bad can it get?

Things are so bad financially that I’m even thinking of going back to gardening for a living. Maybe it’s the lovely sunny weather, but money is so short I’m willing to try anything. If I get another dead end job, I will be a slave again, and breaking my back for so little money, gardening will look like a happy release! So what’s stopping me? The money for the advert. I haven’t even got the £110 for the add in the local paper. How pathetic is that? No matter how hard I try, I cannot see a day... Sign in to see full entry.

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