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Tuesday, May 22, 2007


Traffic! In a desperate attempt to get people to visit my new site, I’ve turned to traffic swarming the URL. This basically means endless clicking on a referral link, while a counter clicks round. You might be thinking: Sad Bastard! But the funny thing is that I’ve just looked at the site and the hit counter is going up. Now this might be spiders crawling it for a ranking, as I’ve just posted an Adsense link on it. But something is happening. I’ll check the Cpanel tomorrow to see if any of those... Sign in to see full entry.

Spies in the sky!

Spies in the sky! The Police in the UK have launched a flying spy plane to spot criminals. All well and good, but for the fact that even when they catch them, the prison population standing at over 80,000 and cannot cope. So the judges are letting them go. The criminals know they can’t be touched and will not have their behaviour curbed in any way. So I would like to ask: should we have our behaviour... Sign in to see full entry.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Net Objects Fusion

I am firm believer in Dreamweaver as a web tool. Sadly I can get no where in setting up an internet shop. In data base and shopping cart. PHP and MySql is so complicated you cannot stuff a few lessons into some snatched hours and hope for the best. Ironically I have another tool called Net Objects fusion which came free with my Web host tools. This have a shopping cart already written into it, and looks like the Paypal side of things is just as easy. So why do I feel guilty about abandoning... Sign in to see full entry.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Web sites for sale?

The web site is up and running. So why do I feel as if I’m not doing enough to sell it? The main reason is that I need to talk more with the writers on the other end. I have had little to do with the PHP and MySql side of things, and would be of no use anyway. I’m in their hands, and of course won’t be able to talk to them until they are back at work, next week. My day off it Tuesday, so the project is on hold until then. Of course I could have saved myself a lot of time if I... Sign in to see full entry.

Friday, May 18, 2007

Drop shipping! Well the site is up and running: is the place where people can buy the goods. I don’t think for one minute you can make a fortune from it, but some one might make a living if they thrash it enough. Which brings me to the next stage. It has to have a whole host of links stitched onto it, to look like it’s punching above its weight. Google Adsense, affiliates, and web rings are all in the pipeline. For some reason I feel really tired today. Staying up until the... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Drop shipping!

Drop shipping! I have just brought a site for about £120.00 that sells DVD’s via drop shipping on Ebay. Not just on Ebay, but anywhere you put them. The site is so cheap it’s better than anything I’ve ever come across. I use my tinwellbooks web site hosted by 1&1 and I thought they did a bargain, but these guys must be making a loss? Either that, or they turn out so many of these they are not greedy? Now the nail biting, as I wait to see if this site actually turns up. The books did so well on... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, May 14, 2007


As the great Madonna once said: "it’s a time to celebrate!" Well I now find myself with a weeks holiday. Not enough money to go anywhere or do anything, but I have more than enough work on my hands with web design and programming. "> Of course I have a guilty conscience because I can’t apply myself to any of these things on a Monday morning. Maybe I’m trying too hard and wanting to bleed blood from a stone too soon. After all, I usually try and do these things in the snatched hours before work.... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Paid to Blog!

Paid to Blog! Once again I’ve been drawn into finding a lazy way of making money. Just sitting here, writing any nonsense that comes into my head and avoiding a real job. I work in a supermarket, and have to stay there until my bankruptcy clears up in a few months time. My only real hope of making any real money is Web design. But when I think about the hard work that goes into designing on-line shops and rigging up drop-shipping, I’m drawn back to writing. Writing is my first love and I’ve... Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Nasty People!

Nasty People! Should we lash out at people we don’t like? Should we seek revenge at people who have slighted us or shown us no respect? For most people they might give the Christian view on a public face, but of course secretly they want their heads on a pike. Last night we worked the late shift in the Supermarket, which overlaps with the night staff. Maybe some of these people are chosen because they have mental health problems? But many should never be released into society. Your first... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, May 7, 2007

PHP Day off!

I’ve been taking a few days off from web design. Mostly on the back of the fact that the PC has been down for a few days and I’ve had to reinstall everything. But also I want to take a step back and look at the web site for what I really want from it. The whole idea is to make a web store with a shopping cart, all shop-shipped and in PHP with MYSQL. No small task, but I’ve learnt so much about it all in the last few weeks I feel confident I can do it. Of course I have brought in a lot of... Sign in to see full entry.

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