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Saturday, July 21, 2007

Writing Jobs!

Writing Jobs! Most of the times I post these writing jobs, I rarely follow up to see what the hell they are selling. On this occasion I did, and boy did I get an eye opener: This is one of the most bizarre animations I have come across for some time. They want someone to write some copy to try and explain just what the hell this little fellows are doing. I can only assume it is for an adult education project. Either that or for someone with a truly... Sign in to see full entry.

Friday, July 20, 2007


With the never ending rain in England we are dreading the come rise in food prices. This is inevitable due to the poor harvest and change in world circumstances. China no longer wants to live on just rice, and is importing meat and other food stuffs like never before. Not only that, but a great deal of agricultural land is now given to the production of bio-fuels. You could look on this with some pessimism but for a few strange facts. Many small grows and business people got out of the market... Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007


Dilemmas Do I blitz the blog sites with lots of useless tat in order to gain some click-through traffic, or scower the forums and tease quality traffic? If it was not for this awful job, I would hold out for the quality option. But I’m so desperate to escape, that I’m tempted by the thought that I can gain the same amount of money just for posting junk! Of course the truth of the matter is that you could never turn out enough pages to bring in a living wage, no matter how much junk you typed in... Sign in to see full entry.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Sunday Morning

Sunday Morning I’m struck by a new idea for making money out of blogs. As I’ve often toyed with the idea of making money from just posting entries I’ve done a lot of research into how you can get the most out of this. The findings I’ve come up with are that you need to post a paying banner on the site to get money from click through’s. If you’ve ever wondered why those Google Adsense banners appear everywhere, these people are making money without trying. Now they aren’t making a fortune, but... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, July 9, 2007

Short or the Long Haul?

Well things are starting to come together. Maybe I’ve been driven here by the closure of all the other roads I’ve travel down. But the only way I can make fast steady money is through Web sites. Nothing new there. But in the past I’ve tried to put together shopping sites. Safe in the knowledge that people want shops. But the sorry truth with my own shopping web sites, tells me that people will not buy anything. Not at the prices you want. So you can’t make money selling things, just information.... Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Home is where the heart is.

I’ve been toying with the idea of writing a website and series of blogs to make some money. The method of making money would be to big up a product on the page, in the hope that people reading it would click-through and buy the thing at the other end. Now my field of interest is pretty limited. I hoped to write about what I love, but websites on magick and the Occult don’t pull in the crouds, and there is another problem. When folk are searching those sites they are only going to buy... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, July 2, 2007

Battle on!

Battle on! Well the battle with MySql and Dreamweaver goes on. The problem is down to the link between Dreamweaver and its ability to find the data base. Basically it can’t, so we are up a certain place without a paddle. This would be a good time to reflect on what’s what. Regular sufferer’s of this blog will know that I work at a supermarket. Not a very nice supermarket and a job which is going nowhere. I sit down every day at this bloody screen and think: “how the hell can I get out of this... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, June 25, 2007

So near but….

I’ve had some break through’s with web design and yet just as I thought it was all coming together, it fell apart. Having some trouble with connecting the database up to the web page. Have you ever had one of those days when you just know it should be working, but Christ it just won’t! I’m going to keep going with this as I can see this is how web design is going to get me out of the supermarket. Maybe I won’t be riding around in a Rolls Royce and worrying about my carbon footprint, but it could... Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007


Had some progress with MySQL. I have a video tutorial which I follow, and I actually managed to fill in my own Form at the same time the tutorial ran! This might seem like a petty thing to most people, but for me it proves that I can actually do what the video is telling me. It boots my confidence to know I’m on the right track. "> Had some sillier ideas. I noticed that I’ve made a couple of dollars on helium. So I thought: what if I posted some of my old stories up there? Would they make money?... Sign in to see full entry.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Making a living?

So things might seem like they ain’t working out too well, but I feel more positive about the future now than in recent months. My Web site project might have come to nought for the moment, but I have so many other irons in the fire, I feel good about it all. The web design came to nothing purely because I don’t have enough time to dedicate towards it. If things work out better, I shall certainly take another look into it. But to be honest it rest upon the same dilemma as the writing. That is... Sign in to see full entry.

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