I Like the Long ForePlay

By LadyCeeMarie - About Me - E-mail this page - Add to My Favorites - Add to Blog List - See other blogs in Relationships

Sunday, October 8, 2006


This is a combo piece of tongue-in-cheek interspersed with a good smattering of year-old angnst, trying my hand at, I'm not sure what you call it? Metaphorically describing the lonely feeling of unrequited love at 2:00 a.m.? For those of you who have been telling me to give it up, I have. Honestly, I am finished wasting my emotional energies on anyone but my husband, Jay. MAG's memory fades while I concentrate on how to get my big ape out of his slump. "Sister Cee" is going to have some fun yet!... Sign in to see full entry.

Saturday, October 7, 2006

Another Dear Lady Cee

Dear Lady Cee, Asker’s Question: If you were unhappily married with young kids, would you have an amazing affair with an amazing person? My answer (one of 63 submitted): You have advice all over the board. Here's two cents from someone who has been married 29 years. For the children's sake, seek out counseling and if it works, tell Mr. Amazing "no." An affair, more often than not will lead to heartache, mostly YOURS! And I'm telling you, it's not worth it. If you and Mr. Amazing fall in love, it... Sign in to see full entry.

Friday, October 6, 2006

Infidelity Recovery (from the "other" side)

Factor or Fiction wrote a great comment in which SHE got mad at Mike for his selfish treatment of me. She questioned how could he treat someone he supposedly loved (to make himself and his situation feel better,) so callously? He said goodbye on the eve of the results of my cancer recurrence test. He even owned that he did that in his final letter he E-mailed to Jay and I. One day last week, I woke up at 4:00 a.m. angry as hell with Mike. I wrote a F*** O** letter, I was still so mad. I labeled... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, October 5, 2006

1953: Don't Have an Affair with a Married Man

The year I was born, I shoulda listened. The advice really hasn't changed an iota. 1953, it was a very good year. The Plight of the Other Woman Q Dear Miss Abigail: I am seeing a married man, who has a four-year-old daughter. He tells me that he loves me with all of his heart, and that his marriage is going to end soon, and for me to just be patient, and he will be with me. What should I do? I do love him. Signed, The Other Woman A Dear Other Woman: When Nina Farewell talks, Miss Abigail... Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, October 4, 2006

Dear LadyCee.......

I was answering a yahoo question and with heavy heart. It was one year ago today that Mike proposed marriage to me on bended knee. It was incredibly romantic. I should have known it was too good to be true. On Oct. 5th I said yes, and by Oct. 21st, he said he was going into marriage counseling, which meant we couldn't be in contact anymore. It took two more months until we actually broke contact (or HE did). This is what "Dear LadyCee" told this younger "newlywed" who was dreaming about her 1st... Sign in to see full entry.

"I Can't Get No . . Satisfaction"

From Henley's "Heart of the Matter" to Jagger's "I Can't Get No Satisfaction"...... so my mood has been all week. I thought I had written my very last “MAG” letter. It was full of angst and vitriol. When I was done, I sent a copy of it to an old friend I hadn’t heard from in while, and that part already had me concerned. But I knew if anyone would get me, she would. She always had with the least amount of judgment and the perfect amount of understanding when last year “happened.” I knew I could... Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, October 3, 2006


I snail-mailed this to my "ex-lover, I-wish-we-were-still-friends," guy. We had made plans to climb this summit a year later, which would be this Thursday. Instead, he has found one more way to block me; he's running away and trying to hide from me. I do talk about that. But just because I snail-mailed it doesn't mean he'll even read it. So here, world, I hate to waste a good letter. Dear MAG- Surely you remember how we communicated with lyrics from songs? God still speaks to me in this manner... Sign in to see full entry.

Saturday, September 30, 2006

One Year Later

(The conclusion) Mike and I spent several hours on the phone that day. I had just returned home from burying my mother and finding my favorite teacher of my life in a nursing home after having suffered some kind of stroke. We made a total of three phone calls. The next day, I had an eleven page, “I release you” email, which coolly recalled hurts suffered all his life because there was always Jay, for the past 30 years. It was ancient history! It was all in the past. What mattered was the rest of... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

One Year Later- A Memory of Mom's Final Days

One Year Later- A Memory of Mom's Final Days (Part 2 of 3) She was lowered into the ground for eternity beside her husband of 71 years on October 1, 2005. It was a beautiful weekend with all family members attending the burial with the exception of one great grand daughter who had just given birth to one of those great greats! Our psychic friend said Mother had attended her own funeral. I am sure she and God must have been in cahoots that weekend to put the pressure on me, because it was there.... Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Ma, This is For You

One Year - A Memory of Mom's Final Days part 1: One year ago, on September 26, 2006, my mother passed over to the land of milk and honey. The only way I knew she was on her deathbed was because my husband had announced to my family through an e-mail that I was planning on leaving him for another man. He was sending out a plea to the women he had on his e-mail list, not all were family members, to try and talk some sense to me! I had read it first and said it was sweet and to go ahead and send... Sign in to see full entry.

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