If I get smart with you....how will you know?: Come On and Cry, Cry, Cry Me A RIver...........

By Corbin_Dallas - About Me - E-mail this page - Add to My Favorites - Add to Blog List - See other blogs in Opinion

Monday, February 4, 2008

Come On and Cry, Cry, Cry Me A RIver...........

Cry me a river... Cause I cried a river over you........ Even if you weren't aware of it, you would have to conclude there must be a big election tomorrow….......based on the Hillary Cryometer...... Let's look at a chronology of the previous readings on the Cryometer: December 12th - CNN Poll: Obama... Sign in to see full entry.
Current Time in KENTUCKY "The Bluegrass State"

Previous: Would You Want To Fly With John McCain???? - New Entries - Next: Why The Liberal Dems Love John McCain As The GOP Candidate...............

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