Loosely Speaking

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Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Oh, all right...

Well, it turns out it was too problematic to delete this blog without losing the parts of it I deem worth saving. So I might as well keep on using it, and the other I thought to quit. So here I am again, separating my homely journal from my social/political rants, opinions, and perspectives. I've just watched something currently available on Amazon Prime: THE WINDERMERE CHILDREN, and its companion documentary: THE WINDERMERE CHILDREN: IN THEIR OWN WORDS. The first is a dramatized account, the... Sign in to see full entry.

Saturday, March 28, 2020

The cleansing storm

Change comes slowly, sometimes takes a couple of generations for a society to let go of an old and obsolete tradition. It takes time to get it that what was once a solution has become a problem. The stream of time flows placidly because we like it that way, undisturbed and undisturbing. But sometimes a storm comes and stirs the waters, and floods the banks, and it is an opportunity for the old and settled to be stirred up and cleared of muck. For a while, the water runs clearer and only the... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, March 23, 2020

Nature's idea of justice is natural selection.

So the delusionary in the White House is willing to go with that. Which makes him pretty much a throw-back to his not yet human ancestors. The Rich Come First is the lowest kind of humanity. It is short-sighted, inward-looking, childish. "Good" is about "Good For Me Right Now." Truth and Reality are obscured by magical, wishful thinking. His greatest delusion is that because he has the use of great sums of money, he is powerful, and because he is powerful, everything is his to command. Having at... Sign in to see full entry.

Saturday, March 14, 2020

Speaking of hoarding...

Yesterday I saw someone at the grocery store with a whole big cartload of cabbages. They left none behind in the veg section. None. But they missed the ones in the up-front display of corned beef and Irish sausages. I got two of those. Just in case. You never know. I like green cabbage. And it keeps well. Two isn't hoarding, is it? Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Presidential qualities

I don't need the nicest person, I want the most able to stop the bleeding and mend the wounds in our domestic and international relationships. But I also don't want the Oval Office held hostage to someone's temper. There have been enough tantrums. I don't want a revolution in all our systems, I want restoration of the middle-class and a true leveling of the field, for health care and education and entrepreneurship to be accessible for all who want them. I want options on how we can have these... Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

The Media don't seem to want you to know who Elizabeth Warren is.

I posted this on Facebook this morning when a simple query about why NPR is freezing out Warren, never speaking of her. I got a lot of immediate knee-jerk responses that offered nothing but uninformed prejudice. Is it misogyny? Is it something she said? Why is anyone but the corrupt afraid of her? A couple of them called her a liar. As if we are not all sometimes, in some circumstances, liars. It is the effect of the lie, the enormity of the lie and who it damages and how much it damages them.... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Less worried about Bloomberg today

...after his poor showing in the debate--the only one I've actually watched. All his masterfully slick ads could not disguise that he has little to offer as a candidate, and a whole lot of history of more-Republican-than-Democrat decisions and values behind him. I can think of lots of better ways to use his money to oust Trump, which he says is his main objective. He must know his vulnerabilities. So now I am wondering, did he make this move to go on the debate stage to deliberately give the... Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Watching the train wreck.

It's one thing to watch the train hurtle to disaster from a safe vantage. It's another to see it unfolding from inside the train, behaving as if we have no power to take it back from the criminals and maniacs who have taken over the controls. The important question is: What are we going to do about it? So far, we have thrown insults, shamed and humiliated, screamed anger and frustration, let fear build that we are losing something precious. We promise and intend to vote, as if they cannot... Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

The political nightmare continues here in the US... Well, every great nation has had its mad kings, its reprehensible emperors, and more of them than the wise and good. The Founders did their utmost to secure the US from such things, but they could not imagine some of the events leading to this situation ever happening, could not imagine the degeneration of the many qualities that make a great or even adequate President or Senator. They planned ahead for all they could imagine, but some of their... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, January 30, 2020

There is no standing still.

It is so sad to consider how many Senators, mostly Republican, who have established solidly respectable careers in service to their constituents have eroded their honorable legacies during this administration. Formerly solid ships are leaking badly now. And some with their votes tomorrow, are going to utterly scupper their ships. I have always been an Independent, leaning towards the Left. I consider a Liberal mindset to be vastly more realistic and socially responsible than the Conservative... Sign in to see full entry.

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