How the Universe looks from here

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Saturday, January 6, 2007

How Do I Know If I'm Meditating?

My dad, the scientist, asked me this a while ago. He is not into philosophical or psychological exploration, and finds the whole area confusing. The usual vocabulary I use makes no sense to him, so I have thought a while about how to answer him. I look to my own experience of meditation, and how it differs from day-dreaming, praying or contemplation, or getting fascinated by a fish-tank-- all of which can induce the altered state of brainwaves that occurs with meditation. When I meditate, I... Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, January 3, 2007

a few entries for the Directory of Messiahs

According to some traditions, there is a Messiah at the beginning of every Age. Ages refer to astrological ages, each of which is about 2000 years. Jesus was the Christ of the Piscean Age. We are now entering the Aquarian Age. (apparently, the familiar equinox signs run the reverse of the annual procession.) Melchizidek has been called the Christ of the Aryan Age. He has also been identified by some traditions as an angel, as the angel Michael, and as a king to whom Abraham, in Biblical Genesis,... Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Part Two: The False Messiah

Jim Jones... Charles Manson... David Koresh... Adolph Hitler... They all fit the qualifications for a messiah, in their own minds. A messiah feels that the truth he/she shares is absolute. The certainty that stands behind the assertions gives the messiah the weight of authority. People who are not so certain of their own truths gravitate to those who seem to really know, and they follow. If a messiah is enlarged by being followed, feeds on the energy of devotion, seeks this kind of gratification... Sign in to see full entry.

Getting a Handle on Messiahs-- part one

"Jesus Christ, Superstar-- Do you think you're what they say you are...?" (from the rock opera by A.L.Webber) A messiah is a saviour: someone who comes along and through word and deed swings humanity, or a culture, or an individual from a state of benightedness to one of comprehension. Or from a path of self-destruction to one of self-realization and life. Who would not want to be a messiah? What a great thing, to be so right about things that the whole of humanity is brought to joyful... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, January 1, 2007

Are there sane families?

Over the course of this holiday, I have concluded that all families look insane to other families. And maybe they are. But some are healthier than others without a doubt, and some hold together in spite of the conflicting games, delusions, imperatives, etc. I can think of only one thing that makes any family healthy and as cohesive as a family should be, without becoming a durance vile: love. No matter how crazy we get, if we know that the love is there, we will be all right. No matter how hard... Sign in to see full entry.

Worth reading! Perhaps this is the synthesis Blogit has been lacking? (Sorry I can't link it-- not used to this Mac I'm on today...) Sign in to see full entry.

Sunday, December 31, 2006

Is it psychosis or is it psychic?

There was a time, perhaps, when someone could experience a psychic moment, and no one would look at them and assume they were merely nuts. Back when everything was a mystery, altered mind-states and un-normal behavior were just part of the whole inexplicable array. Magic has always been about how things happen that defy our straight-forward observation, logic and rationality. So many magical things have been revealed to be normal enough, once science and reason sorted them out. Psychology came... Sign in to see full entry.

Knowing Your Own-- an answer to Jeremy

"How would someone know if the energy is not their own? if it is attached then it would seem to be a part of your self. i ask this because i believe i have something similar to bipolar, and often question if it is something invasive." How does a mother know her own infant's cry amongst a crowd of kids? Babies' cries are pretty much all the same to non-parental ears, but they are not, in fact, the same. Each voice has its own timbre, its own pitch and peculiarities, and a mother learns quickly... Sign in to see full entry.

Saturday, December 30, 2006

A Rant inspired by a Whinge...

As a 'baby-boomer' in the US, I have grown bitter and cynical, all trust in authority and government destroyed. Trust is tenuous where it tries to assert itself at all, in a world where we are confronted, confounded by falsehood, by deliberate manipulation of mind, heart and soul... The down-side of capitolism is the predatory commercializing of everything. Putting the ighest possible price tags on everything, then making it easy to ignore price tags by constructing the credit system... creating... Sign in to see full entry.

Friday, December 29, 2006

The Developing Soul

Jazwolf responded to my previous post with this query & comment: Ciel--- So, if the boy were to ask for your help, could you do more? I'm curious as to how the soul can improve and develop, if not with help from others. Of course, there are different models about how souls evolve. There is the reincarnation model, that supposes sequential lives moving one along as from one grade to the next. There's the model of the Hawaiian Huna religion that involves something that seems to me more like the... Sign in to see full entry.

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