Big V Mumbles About Something

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Monday, January 29, 2018

I just added about 2700 words to my story I'm currently posting over on my story page. I know some don't like that, but some of my work doesn't read well when posted 450 to 600 word segments. This last post had to be that long or stop in the middle of a story arc with a 'To Be Continued" sign hung... Sign in to see full entry.

Anyone who says they have only one life to live must not know how to read a book. Sign in to see full entry.

Anyone else having problems getting this site to resolve in a fast and normal length of time? Since about 3AM EST (my dogs work me up after some kids went down the sidewalk 'singing' something) this site has either been extremely slow or on three different occasions to call it up, I got a 404 error,... Sign in to see full entry.

Sunday, January 28, 2018

What I Know About Life I know that the darkest night is often the bridge to the brightest tomorrow. I know that my life is designed to be an adventure. I know that the act of smiling makes both me and others happier. I know the power of saying, "Thank You." I know that the greatest gift I can give... Sign in to see full entry.

Having made posts in all of my current active blogs, I am going to go out and wander the woods for a bit. I need to clear my mind so I can write a bit later. It's about 18 here right now, but that is the high of the day. I'll be back later. Be well. V Sign in to see full entry.

If you are a published author over on Amazon, you need to check out my 'Let's Write' blog today. It lays out a website that is giving away your work. I found every single book I have ever written had posted to be given away. We have another cold streak rolling in for a week or so. My trip to Florida... Sign in to see full entry.

Saturday, January 27, 2018

"Under Pressure" {Tip of the Hat to Queen}

As sang, lately I've been Under Pressure that I haven't mentioned here. My youngest brother was near death a few months back and made a stunning, but temporary recovery. He needs a double lung transplant within the next two to three weeks or he will die. About eight days ago, the transplant people... Sign in to see full entry.

Memories, Pressed Between The Pages Of My Mind

I originally started this out in response to a comment and it got out of control on me. I mean no ill will to anyone here, but I won't be drawn into a battle of philosophies. As my long time readers will recall, I always write, 'this is my opinion, your mileage may vary.' I agree that Mr. Carrey... Sign in to see full entry.

Friday, January 26, 2018

I find myself posting here at two or three different time frames. I generally get my morning routines of walking the dogs and such and then write a bit before coming here to post my jokes, quotes, and maybe another post. The I go outside with the dogs in the backyard and watch them play and show off... Sign in to see full entry.

It's supposed to hit 40 here today. My indoor/outdoor thermometer says it is 33 already. I haven't heard the furnace kick on in over an hour now and that's a good thing. I was up late last night working on a project (until about 3AM) and slept in until about 9:45. I had shut my cell off just to... Sign in to see full entry.

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