Big V Mumbles About Something

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Sunday, May 26, 2019

I just added a new section to my murder story. As each and every entry states. this stuff isn't for everyone. I do not usually use 'bad words,' but this story calls for them. You can't gut someone and have your main character thinking, "Golly geez Wally, I think I killed him!" I don't use this type... Sign in to see full entry.

I made it back home last night about five o'clock, just in time to take a quick shower and settle in to be the producer for the live racing show. The job used to be much more difficult, but each software update we do makes it easier. I spent cash to make sure that the computer that does the encoding... Sign in to see full entry.

Friday, May 24, 2019

I'm getting ready to head south shortly. It seems to be a nice day out so far, but I see rain on the radar. A big rain storm could shorten my stay down there as I won't stay for the race, merely hold a demonstration of the new technique used to do the live video feed. I know I will be gone one... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

I made it home safely about 4:30 PM. I had to go back for a follow up on my pancreatic cancer. Everything went fine. I will be running back to the clinical trial in Tampa some time in June. This made the second time that my CA-19 numbers where approaching critical levels and the treatments made them... Sign in to see full entry.

Whew. I'm up and almost ready to hit the door to leave. For those leaving to have an early start to the holiday, be safe and enjoy your weekend. It rained like crazy here last night. The power was off intermittently during the night due to heavy winds and lightning, but all is good this morning.... Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Wouldn't ya know? I forgot that I have a ten AM appointment over in Marquette tomorrow morning, meaning I must be out of the house and on the road by 8:15 AM. Me? I've never been one to be up and moving early in the morning without a good reason, so I'm posting a lot of my normal stuff just after... Sign in to see full entry.

This is one of the newspapers that get my local racing reports. It gets tricky to write a proper report with the understanding that I get roughly 595 to 605 words. Column inches rule. If it don't fit in the allowable space, it doesn't get printed! V Sign in to see full entry.

Yesterday's warmth and sunshine gave way to cooler temps and rain today. I took advantage of the nice weather by wandering out to find a lake that I could see I could see on my map app. It appeared to be an easy drive. The app was telling me to take 'County Road 455' to 'Country Road 426' and just... Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

As most of you know, I belong to a great 'writers group' over on Twitter by the abbreviation name of #RRBC - Rave Reviews Book Club. At 7PM tonight (May 21st!), we had a discussion with a friend of mine being the moderator, Beem Weeks and a man by the name of Bernard Foong. Bernard, or 'Young,'... Sign in to see full entry.

It's going to be about 63 and dry here today, leaving my options wide open. I've been writing on and off since about 7:30 this morning. Nothing serious... just 'stuff.' I want to wander over to Seney to do some more research on my Hemingway project, but I have to wait for a couple of other things to... Sign in to see full entry.

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