Big V Mumbles About Something

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Monday, March 16, 2020

It never ends. As I was posting the next to last section of 'Things My Father Taught Me,' three things of significance occurred. A) I got notified that the updated version of my ebook had been approved and was up for sale. Yeah! B) I spot not one, not two, but three stupid errors in the final... Sign in to see full entry.

Sunday, March 15, 2020

The Man Behind The Curtain Is Revealed

I made an entry last night that left some confused by what I meant. I apologize. I was confused myself, so we are all on the same train. While what most of you assumed I meant is true, I guess I should eliminate the underbrush from the problem I'm looking at with squinted eyes. Some where in that... Sign in to see full entry.

Saturday, March 14, 2020

I'm torn. While my work on 'Caretaker' is moving forward, something in its structure has caused me to be unable to move forward HERE. It's become far more complicated than I had ever imagined. I wanted to give the reader a reason to know and understand that I had the 'street cred' to write this... Sign in to see full entry.

It has finally stopped snowing and or raining for a few days. It's still cold, but that blasting wind out of the north has calmed a bit. Life improves. The China flu is all the rage, but I don't intend to pay it any mind. I live in the UP with a population density of a glob of spit in the ocean. I... Sign in to see full entry.

Friday, March 13, 2020

My Morning In A Joke (or WAS A Joke?)

Eh, I got sidetracked this morning and forgot to post here. To make up for it, allow me to post something I saw in the classifieds: For sale: cemetery plot - $200. I'm selling it so I don’t have to spend eternity beside my ex! ” It is cold here again. The temp isn't all that bad at 28, but the 40 to... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Good morning. I spent a lot of time last night helping a friend of mine out of Connecticut with adding an e-book to his paperback offering. I happened to see his post over on Twitter, so I went to Amazon and found it listed only as a paperback. While that's great, I sell a dozen, often two dozen,... Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

This is a joke that makes ya wonder, so pay attention! A guy stopped by my house today and tells me, 'This same guy on a bike tries to run me down every day.' I had to think about it a moment, and then I told him, ' Sounds like a vicious cycle to me.' Now why did I say it was going to make you... Sign in to see full entry.

It looks like we are back to 'crazy weather' time. It snowed on and off all night last night. It looks like we picked up about three to four inches of new snow. It's supposed to be 38-40 today, and probably rain Thursday afternoon. Not to be dismayed, it will snow again on Thursday night and Friday.... Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

LOL This day continues to be a joy. I had to gather the dogs and go out for a walk to get my mind right - and promptly got stuck out in the boonies. Fortunately for me, a group of snowmobilers came along and they were able to pull me out. I was on that same path yesterday without issue. Today is a... Sign in to see full entry.

A Mini Rant

The following is an inconsequential screed. In the landscape of Life, it means nothing, and I know that. Issues. Not mine, others with issues have clogged my morning, starting all too early in the morning for me. I'm way, way behind my normal morning routine, and it bugs me. Anyone who knows me... Sign in to see full entry.

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