Big V Mumbles About Something

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Thursday, April 16, 2020

Sorry about such a late appearance to the Blog-It scene today. Too many calls from people that mean nothing to me shy of being a leech of my time. I did get one call worth taking from a website that has been following some of my posts elsewhere. They wondered if I would be interested in doing a... Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

As I've gone through my tens of thousands of photos of the Upper Peninsula and from my time in Florida, I've decided that I just follow up on urgings I've heard here and elsewhere to make an ebook of maybe 40 to 50 select photos I've collected over the years. A tentative title might be, 'The Beauty... Sign in to see full entry.

While I know that it will be gone by Friday afternoon, we have about three inches of new snow on the ground. It got down to ~15 last night, and even Buster knew that it was a good night to stay inside. In about 45 minutes, I'll be running them out to the lake to run and venture into the lake to... Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

I saw this riddle elsewhere, but thought some of you might actually know the answer. This isn't difficult if you study it for a few minutes. Good luck! If you have four turtles and three aliens came in and cooked ten pancakes with two eggs and then had seven babies each, how many cats are left? Sign in to see full entry.

There are days when I think about moving back to Florida, today being one. It was 19 last night, and we accumulated another inch or so of new snow. Depending on to whom you listen, it will get down to 15 tonight. It's been a long and weary winter. I need some warmth and sunshine! The back trails... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, April 13, 2020

A busy day behind me. I got some stuff moved from one area of the garage to another as I prep for a lot of work I want done out there. By building a twenty foot east-west partition, I can eliminate a bad breeze from entering the house in the winter. I can build in 'dog doors' next to the 'people... Sign in to see full entry.

Weather Update

I get people who 'doubt' my word when I tell them about the height of Superior waves. This just came in: Sign in to see full entry.

We've been riding the fine line between snow and rain all night. Earlier, we had about three inches of new snow on the ground. As I sat down here to do some work, a steady rain took over, and the snow was gone within ten minutes. I'm hearing that the snow side may push back a bit later in the... Sign in to see full entry.

Sunday, April 12, 2020

I don't want to say I got bored, but I decided I had to leave the house, our idiot governor be damned. I traveled over to Marquette and met a friend of mine from over that way in a park in the Marquette Bay. We were about to head into a winter storm warning, and I wanted to catch Superior having a... Sign in to see full entry.

Well, I got a knock on my front door while I was in my 'lower level office,' commonly known as the basement. By the time I got up the two flights of steps and across the forty foot length from the back door to the front, the person(s) had made a clean getaway. As I looked out, I saw a small bag of... Sign in to see full entry.

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