Adventuring: A Travelblogue with Photos

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Sunday, April 26, 2009

a photo of memory

This was taken with a film camera in 1970 or thenabouts... The subject is the reflection of the Flora Stone Mather Memorial Building which housed the Dean's Office of Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio. By the time I attended, WRU had hooked up (so to speak) with Case Technical Institute,... Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Trying something new...

Davy and I walked around the McClane Creek pond a couple of days ago, and I wanted to share the sound of it with you, so finally tried out the video function on my camera. After viewing the results, I can assure you, I need considerably more practice. But there is one clip that you might enjoy... If... Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Home again, home again, jiggety-jig!

It was a very long day with lots of walking... woke up this morning 3000 miles from where I woke up yesterday. Walked around in Maryland, a mile or so in the morning, then around the Baltimore airport, sat all the way to Denver then walked around the Denver airport a considerable distance, and for... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Window Seat: farm land next to desert

This almost looks computer generated... Well, it could be, I suppose, it is California... This is early afternoon light on these stony lands--so bleak! That's likely a dry wash, not a lively river-bed. Somewhere between Phoenix and Kansas... and a little later in the afternoon: Sign in to see full entry.

Window Seat: a few more views from the sky

California's San Andreas Fault, north of San Francisico I have never seen it from the air before, and havenever noticed it from the ground (more later... only have time for one right now) Sign in to see full entry.

Friday, April 10, 2009

wow! Nature's own abstracts! More Windowseat images

These are some of the most fascinating landscapes I've seen yet from a commercial flight window-seat. These were taken flying from Oakland CA to Phoenix AZ early in the afternoon. I have not yet google-earth matched up with my pictures, so I can't be more specific yet on the actual locations. Fasten... Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Urban Trails for TAPS

I followed a paved trail behind the neighborhood where my family lives. It was a nice little biking or hiking trail. The trail branched off between a couple of fenced back yards, a barking dog in each one raising a ruckus, a noise gauntlet... But looking back, it wasn't so bad after all... Sign in to see full entry.

window seat: West Coast Range

I only snapped a few with this camera, the lighting and coloring not being as natural as the other... after some fiddling, here are the best images of Northern California. wide river-course, don't know which river yet. Not sure--maybe this is Whiskeytown Lake? Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Intimate Spring

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Tennis, anyone? The parents play...

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