Stephanie's Written Works

By serendipity09 - About Me - E-mail this page - Add to My Favorites - Add to Blog List - See other blogs in Fiction

Friday, March 14, 2008

Thank You

Hey, I just wanted to thank everyone that has been visiting this sight. Thank you for making this a good experience for me. Sign in to see full entry.

Living in the Shadows: Destined

5. The Status Quo Jessica watched calmly as the speedometer inched past 90 miles an hour. She grasped the arm rest and shut her eyes, attempting to block out the world. When life gives you lemons make lemonade, but when life gives you a mob of ferocious vampires, flee the country. Jessica was still attempting to learn the rules of the anomalous shadow land she had unknowingly delved into. A world of chaos and sadistic rule, devoid of loyalty, and the only laws or standards honored are those... Sign in to see full entry.

Living in the Shadows: Destined

4. Escape Plan Aron and Jessica fell through the door together and collapsed on the bed. “I’ve never been so exhausted in my entire life,” Jessica murmured. Or so destroyed, she thought to herself as the earlier portion of the night played out in her mind. The thoughts of self-hatred began to consume her mind. She could no longer put them off. There were no more distractions to deviate her from the opening abyss of guilt that was trying to drown her. Tears threatened and she rolled over and... Sign in to see full entry.

Living in the Shadows: Destined

3. Vindicated The world can be a crazy mixed up place, but it watches after those who need the extra help. Our world forgets nothing that it sees. It doesn’t ignore those that deserve second chances, and it doesn’t detest the hopes of those that don’t. Although the world we live in isn’t always fair, it is always the best that we can get and at times it doesn’t seem fair, or right, but it’s better than the alternative. Jessica Heart didn’t care what forces had constructed the miracle before her.... Sign in to see full entry.

Living in the Shadows: Destined

2. Histories Aron tucked a stray piece of Jessica’s hair behind her ear. “I give you everything,” he whispered. Jessica gasped, struggling to calm her racing heart Was he really saying….she leveled her gaze on him. Hope yawned open before her like a never ending tunnel, but she was waiting for it to collapse. Too scared to ask her question, too scared that the answer he gave would begin the dismantlement of her one way tunnel. If her tunnel collapsed, she would collapse with it. She could no... Sign in to see full entry.

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