Alien Insomniac on Life after WWIII

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Sunday, September 5, 2004


Interest? A national realtor chain is offering a sweepstakes for 5 years "free" mortgage. It looks like they are going to plunk down the equivalent of 5 years of payments towards the loan. The owner is responsible for everything else. Anyone who studied mortgages in math class or who's ever bought a... Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, September 1, 2004


I am having a small problem believing that this person is an actual current user of Diet Anything. I also have suspicions as to whether she has ever been a user of such a product. I clipped this screen grab from an annoying popup ad. Just more overuse of attractive models to give folks who could use... Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, August 31, 2004


Why is it when you're watching TV and a drug commercial comes on, the litany of side effects is always the same: Headache, Nausea, Diarrhea, Vomiting, Sexual Side Effects(note: they never say what that is), Cramps, Difficulty Sleeping, Drowsiness, Irritability With the exception of RU486, the side... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, August 30, 2004


I was on the way to work this afternoon and I saw a display in the back window of a Chevy Suburban. There was a "hunter" with a drawn bow and arrow on the left side and a prancing buck on the right side and above, in the middle were the words "One On One." Deer aren't defenseless close up. They are... Sign in to see full entry.


Occasionally an obit comes across my desk at the paper and the person who wrote it used the word internment instead of interment when talking about where the burial service will be. And as insensitive as it sounds, whenever I see that I want to say, "So when are they getting out?" Sign in to see full entry.

Saturday, August 28, 2004


I DO NOT WANT MY ONLY PURCHASE CHOICES TO BE PRODUCTS MADE BY SLAVE LABOR!!! Americans consume quite a lot. A major problem that doesn't get looked at very closely is where and by whom these products are being made. I do not believe that every product I use was made by slave labor, I suspect that... Sign in to see full entry.

Friday, August 27, 2004


I managed to score two of the pads I am looking for at a Wal-Mart I seldom go to. While I am on vacation I am going to be scouring Wal-Marts across the country. A word of advice from one of those strange office supply nerd persons: If you are looking at pens, go with the name brand stuff. It is... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, August 26, 2004


Person A really doesn't like Person B, so when Person B has been disappointed in the office and whines about it on the floor, Person A chimes in with "That's just terrible." But as I already said, Person A really doesn't give a shit about Person B. So it all just sounds a little two faced.... Sign in to see full entry.


A couple of years ago I bought a couple of 5"x8" pads that have quad-ruled (graphpaper) paper at Wal-Mart. They are made by Ampad, which is a pretty popular brand. Well as usual I am going to need more now and it looks like Ampad has discontinued them. With Wal-Mart's Merry-Go-Round Merchandising, I... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, August 23, 2004


The Creed of the Sociopathic Obsessive Compulsive If anything can go wrong, fix it! (To hell with Murphy!) When given a choice, take both. Multiple projects lead to multiple successes. Start at the top and work your way up. Do it by the book... but be the author. When forced to compromise, ask for... Sign in to see full entry.

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