Alien Insomniac on Life after WWIII for Friday, October 24, 2008

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Friday, October 24, 2008

If she won't, I will

When asked by NBC television presenter Brian Williams whether an abortion clinic bomber was a terrorist, Palin heaved a sigh and, at first, circumvented the question. "There's no question that Bill Ayers by his own admittance was one who sought to destroy our US Capitol and our Pentagon. That is a... Sign in to see full entry.

So you're pro-life...really?

The problem with a pro-life stance is pretty simple. It's a question of pro-life where? The politicians who are sending troops to bomb foreign countries in these trumped up bankster wars say they're pro-life but they only mean in America. From their actions they couldn't care less about children in... Sign in to see full entry.

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