Alien Insomniac on Life after WWIII for Friday, October 3, 2008

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Friday, October 3, 2008

T-Shirt Throwdown

In times of universal greed and insanity you gotta have a sense of humor. Sign in to see full entry.

It's not dead until the maggots are done eating

I thought Biden did a much better job at the debate last night. He was cordial and respectful and didn't make the debate about her. Palin, in my opinion, did a polished up version of her discussions with Katie Couric. She repeatedly did not answer the questions put to her. Several times she'd would... Sign in to see full entry.

Reverend Elder Senator, Reverend Deacon Congressman

Why no theocracy will work in America Let me begin by saying that if G-d wants America under theocratic rule he needs to come down here and run it himself. Flunkies won't be suffered forever by the people. Years ago I listened to a discussion of the Bill of Rights and the separation idea. The two... Sign in to see full entry.

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