Life and Memories

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Saturday, April 4, 2009

1 minute

I have about 1 minute to write. why do I write if I only have 1 minute? Because if I didn't with a few minutes, I might never write. I went to a "Home Improvement" show at the Convention center with Greg. I bought a lavender plant, basil, rosemary and sage. Also I got a free tree, an aspen. I really do have to go, but I will be back later. The sun is shining today! It is almost warm also. It sure does lift the spirit. Sign in to see full entry.


I did sleep well. This morning I have been trying to take in a dress for my daughter that she will be wearing for a costume party. I have 3 sewing machines and 2 do not work. 1 works, but I was having trouble with it, then a couple of weeks ago I sewed my finger and haven't tried to sew since. Today I got it working, and found out why it wasn't working well. It is sunny out and under 50 degrees still at 11 am. I am going through withdrawals from being spoiled in having spring and summer year... Sign in to see full entry.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Home and a free day tomorrow!

It's almost 11 pm here. My 14 year old son helped me clean the office with carpet. He did all the vacuuming, which was nice. I did the next office by myself because Gideon didn't feel too good. Greg (my husband) had taken our 16 year old son to help him at work, so I didn't want to ask him. The 2 girls had wrapped their hair in rags to curl it for a costume party they are going to tomorrow, and it was too late for them to help. All went well. I feel a lot better than I did this a.m. There is a... Sign in to see full entry.

I feel better

My day is going a little better. I don't know if anyone read my other entry. I was depressed. I spent too long on facebook, but I think I needed to stay in touch with old friends. I got one job done - the house cleaning job. It was easy. Next job is the office with carpets and my 14 year old son, Gideon will be helping me. Maybe Levi will help me for the other one after that. No work (except at home) tomorrow. I think I will stay on blog it for awhile. I guess I have been getting down on myself,... Sign in to see full entry.


Today is one of those days. I'm fighting depression. It's not just the weather, although that doesn't help. It is still cold and windy here. I finished painting one of the bathrooms at the Theater. On Tuesday Greg is coming in with me to do the men's. Things are complicated in some ways right now. I was going to quit blog-it, cause we really don't have the money. It's only $13 a month, but add that to many other bills, it adds up. But I didn't cancel soon enough, so, I guess I'll be around this... Sign in to see full entry.

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