Letters to God

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Monday, December 13, 2010

Bloggers can sacrifice so much for love

In whatever situation Afzal and I result in, there will be sacrifices for both of us when we are together. One of us will be giving up our home land. There will be lifestyle changes for both of us to adjust to the needs and desires of the other. There is always sacrifice if Love is to grow and flourish. Those sacrifices come much easier when you have someone that you truly want to spend your life with. Here is a sweet poem that Afzal sent for me to post for you. He is such a sweetie. I can give... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

How Deep Is Love?

The depth of love can be very deep, as both Afzal and myself have seen. Love is deep and endless. This man is very special to me. Here is his latest poem for me to post for you... How much I need you and How much I love you It is truly immeasurable to know the depth of my feeling I have for you I can only say it is difficult and impossible for me to live without you Sign in to see full entry.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Are bloggers blessed with riches and wealth?

Afzal is such a sweetheart. He is a true blessing in my life. I would not trade him for the world, as he is my world. He is so busy working day and night now that he hardly has time for anything. Yet he still writes for me and still comes to chat with me, and he is always sweet and loving. He is everything that I could desire, and is truly a treasure. Here is a poem he has sent to me tonight to post for you here... My desires my dream ends with your sweetness I could not have got anyone better... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, November 29, 2010

What do you do when the one you love is ill?

I was very bad off yesterday and missed chat due to being very ill. Much better now, but I had gotten many sweet brief emails from Afzal, which really made me smile. He worries for me, just as I do when he is not feeling well. It's hard when you know you can't actually be near the person to provide any comfort. Afzal sent me this sweet poem to post for you, now that I'm feeling better... Do you know how difficult it is for me to be without you Do you know how I feel when you are not near me I... Sign in to see full entry.

Friday, November 26, 2010

What is it that everyone needs?

Everyone needs someone to make them feel special...someone to talk with them and listen to them...someone to keep them from feeling lonely. Afzal and I are that for each other. I can't imagine ever not loving him. Here is his latest poem for me to post for you... Peace and satisfaction comes to my life with you You are my ultimate bliss and destination I love to talk to you I love to be with you I just long for your company Sign in to see full entry.


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