News from the Sitting Position for Sunday, April 2, 2006

By cripfemme - About Me - E-mail this page - Add to My Favorites - Add to Blog List - See other blogs in Opinion

Sunday, April 2, 2006

On the Chicopee Jail and Disability Rights

According to reporter Pamela H. Metaxas’s Springfield Republican article of September 20, 2005, the Chicopee women’s jail will cost $27 million to construct. Despite the myriad of problems associated with spending so much money on a facility designed to incarcerate women who are mostly convicted of non-violent, drug-related offenses including the fact that as our other speakers have mentioned these funds could be better spent on childcare, job training, post secondary education, housing, social... Sign in to see full entry.

In Memoriam: Bob Blue

Bob Blue (7/31/48- 3/17/06) was a musician, an educator, a father, my friend, my good Scrabble buddy, and basically a rock in my life. I saw him nearly every week for the past year. He was first a friend and employer of my friend Laura Anderson, who become his last live-in personal care assistant, but we became friends separately from the fact that we both knew and loved Laura. At first, we just played Scrabble every Friday and talked not much, but gradually we begin to have good conversations... Sign in to see full entry.

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