WANA's sentiments

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Thursday, January 24, 2008

Fire and Ice

You promised me fire I promised you ice You thought I was just shy. So, you pursued me I ran away... And when I finally gave in You just didn't believe me. Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

A Conversation About Tears

A conversation between a little girl and her mother: Why are there tears in your eyes, Mommy, when you look at Daddy? I'm just happy, sweetheart. But you don't cry when your happy, Mommy. My teacher says you smile or laugh when your happy. And you cry when you're sad. No, sweetie. I'm not sad.... Sign in to see full entry.

Favorite Line in a Movie

"Why is it so hard to let go of something so beautiful?" - My favorite line from my favorite movie PRETTY WOMAN starring Richard Gere and Julia Roberts. So, what's yours? Do you have one? Sign in to see full entry.

The Heart Forgets

When leaves fall And trees start to die, The heart forgets To love and to cry; The music stops But the dance goes on, And one wonders Why the flowers bloom When the sun isn't there, Like it was before. A step is taken, Another door opens; A new song begins, Then a smile appears -- The heart just... Sign in to see full entry.


We escape life at times When we smile, when we laugh, When we pretend Everything is all right, Though nothing is fine; We escape life sometimes When we build a wall so high; We put our feelings in a vacuum So untouchable, so impenetrable; We don't listen to our hearts, We ignore love, we go on... Sign in to see full entry.


If thoughts be extracted From the mind, They either become actions Or mere puffs of smoke That travel in misguided fashion; Then reaching the point of nowhere Simply vanish in thin air. But, the spirit of these thoughts May live for quite sometime; Wallowing in useless existence, Unless it be... Sign in to see full entry.

In Despair

I am a forest of hard-digged pain -- The storm of loneliness fills my life; I cry for release from this prison, But no one hears. Maybe they are unaware; Maybe, I should carry this alone. If it's about love, I have so much to say -- Most of them will come from my battered heart; Only a little will... Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Love Far Outweighs

My father is being unfaithful to my mother. There, I've said it. I've been bottling this up for seven months now. I haven't caught him in the act, so to speak. But, I know it. I just feel it. And I have the proof -- I've read text messages in his cellphone, whenever I would borrow it from him 'cause... Sign in to see full entry.

Trite Conversation

I heard this conversation between two friends - a male and a female, the former admiring the latter. You're a precious gem. No, I'm not. Yes, you are. How come they don't sell you along with diamonds in the store? Maybe, it's because I'm not for sale. You should be. And you should cost more than... Sign in to see full entry.

Sorry, Auntie, I Forgot

I don't know what it is with my nephew. But he always forgets to do things I tell him to. This was a conversation we had from Sunday until today, Wednesday at 5:00 a.m. "Why didn't you take out the trash? I told you to take it out every Saturday. It's already Sunday." "Sorry, Auntie. I forgot." "Why... Sign in to see full entry.

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