Thoughts on being Jewish: My Opinion on the New York City "Mosque" parallels Olbermann's...

By gapcohen - About Me - E-mail this page - Add to My Favorites - Add to Blog List - See other blogs in Religion & Spirituality

Friday, August 20, 2010

My Opinion on the New York City "Mosque" parallels Olbermann's...

Please watch this YouTube video of Keith Olbermann who cuts through the hysteria surrounding the "Ground Zero Mosque" which is not at Ground Zero and not a Mosque but a community center open to all. From the start, all this blowback and fanning the flames of bigotry and hatred made me uncomfortable, and, ironically (or maybe not so ironically), many Jews are standing behind the Muslim's right to build this center. Watch the video to see why. Sign in to see full entry.

Previous: CT Shooting victim funeral and Aftermath - New Entries - Next: More on the Lower Manhattan "Mosque"

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