The Secret Life Of Cats

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Tuesday, December 19, 2006

12/19/2006 Nurse Garfield's Field Notes

I saw Zeb last night, toward the time my regular human went to bed; I spent some time at the nursing station, caring for my human, then I spent a great deal of time with Zeb. I enjoyed the time we spent together last night, and I have been napping ever since. I just woke up to help my regular human... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, December 18, 2006

12/17/2006 Nurse Garfield's Field Notes

I have to nag my male human to get him to provide me with my Christmas gift to my human. Regular readers of these Field Notes know that I have wanted to give her a hive of honeybees ever since she got the Heifer International catalogue in the mail a few months ago. She checked online, and the... Sign in to see full entry.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

12/16/2006 Nurse Garfield's Field Notes

My humans have made an amazing statement - at least the statement is amazing to me. They suggested that perhaps my idiot brother Michael should be granted a BSFN degree. This surprises me because I never thought he had it in him to be a feline health-care purrfessional. But my humans tell me that he... Sign in to see full entry.

Friday, December 15, 2006

12/15/2006 Nurse Garfield's Field Notes

This will be a short set of Field Notes, as my human has developed the beginnings of a headache. She would like to rest a bit today before her busy weekend, which starts tonight; she has to go to the pharmacy to pick up several of the medicines she needs to prevent acute rejection of her kidney... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

12/14/2006 Nurse Garfield's Field Notes

My human worries me this fine (albeit cloudy) morning. She has been complaining (to me at least) of stomach problems. She also doesn't want to do certain chores for my male human, even though she tells me she promised to do them, because she is sick and tired of certain behavior patterns of his. I... Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

12/13/2006 Nurse Garfield's Field Notes

Today's Field Notes are a bit later than usual, because my human's left paw was sore, and she wanted to take a break from using the computer in order to avoid aggravating what might have been an injury. She tells me that applying heat to the affected area of her paw helped the already-mild pain... Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

12/12/2006 Nurse Garfield's Field Notes

During our most recent nip tea and gossip session, Pepper, Penny, Ali and I talked about our respective Christmas celebrations. Penny and I would like to spend Christmas with our respective families. Pepper lives in a Jewish home, which is currently celebrating Hanukkah. She says her humans have... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, December 11, 2006

12/11/2006 Nurse Garfield's Field Notes

My human has been so busy with her various projects - and trying to recover from her recent cold - that she has not had the time or inclination to take dictation for this blog. I set the record straight by hounding her at all hours of the day and night until she complied with my desires. Poor Roo -... Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, December 6, 2006

12/6/2006 Nurse Garfield's Field Notes

I have to admit that I slept in this morning. Yesterday afternoon, I was the host for the Cherry Ames BSFN graduation ceremony, because I am a director of the BSFN program. I was proud to hand five new feline nurses their BSFN degrees, and to wish them well as they cared for their humans. One young... Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, December 5, 2006

12/5/2006 Nurse Garfield's Field Notes

I have been leaving the nursing care of my human to my idiot brother Michael today. He says she is in need of some serious cuddling, and he has been providing this service to her on my behalf. This is something which does concern my male human - not the fact that my idiot brother has been spending... Sign in to see full entry.

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