The Ciel Show for Friday, October 16, 2015

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Friday, October 16, 2015

The day the fish came in

Last night was pretty chilly, down to low 40s F, and so today I brought in the deck garden, including the "water feature." It's a large roundish planter, about 20 inches across at the top, about two feet high. There is a little fountain in the center, and at night I have listened to the water softly babbling outside the door to the outside. It could have stayed out, except for the fish. My three big goldfish have lived in it for a few weeks now, and while carp are tough, and goldfish are carp, I... Sign in to see full entry.

I had to share this here...

A letter, written by my granddaughter, has recently resurfaced on Facebook, and I took the opportunity to preserve it on flickr, to share with you: Yes, she did it, and it's all true! Sign in to see full entry.

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