Scriber's Night Game

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Saturday, May 5, 2007


He walks upright near tippy toes, half smiling, reminding uf a good timer; an animalistic pose. Tho confident smile add lines to his aging face, it need be ter complete thu mockery of his personna. Near full his vision uh seemingly familiar graying stooped yet sexually appealing black, slowing in... Sign in to see full entry.

Friday, May 4, 2007

The Bardy Road. .

De bard thereby capture thu witchy, lonely, dancing under darkening smokey pines, twitchy in the campfire's erriely flickering light; composing fertile lines, comparing de old gone Running Deer, with thu beauty of earth's bounty. He fust must understand, plain words seldom win fair ladies' hand, ner... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Sissy Lips Ape...

Do you comment on other's heels, like I do, making dem feels like you following, or gots no brain so copying? I click on a lot to comment, see someone else just compliment; makes me seem like I'ze steppin on der line or something: they went: "Wow, just wonderful ways yo go on the most rarest of... Sign in to see full entry.

Pickin Up Steam...

I sway along a safety rail, seeking someplace, “ Seeking an anyplace?” asks a black conductor, Ever polite, notes my plight, Veiws my needs, plays out of lonely necessities. "Life, that’s life." Says, moves out of the first place And turns to give me room To plant the seeds. “Rev. Sally Ubris Brown... Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Weather and Love Updates...

Thu weather is like a love affair on line; sure to change often, jest give it a little mo time; Sometime too hot, sometime too cool, little while jest right, but always changing. Wouldn't it be great if all blogits posted weather bulletins each day, likes they do love inclinations, so we would all... Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Global Cooling--A weather bulletin

Hail as large as the tip of my thumb rumbled across my tin roof like horses running, making a strange sound I could not immediately identify; sent me seeking trusty arming; Check sound direction, see de ice balls playing, and what thu fu.., I say to myself, is goin on; Is this some strange... Sign in to see full entry.

Love Letter ter thu One I love...

I sometimes write love letters to thu one I love; --me. like cooing dove, sumtime twice a day confidentially, say how much I'ze in love and want to spend the rest of my life with no one else; swear ter God in heaven above; Add a little mo flattery: "No one satisfy like you do; I wish we could be... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, April 30, 2007

Kids Ain't Gonna Steal Books...

She sky gazing, saying whiles remembering: "He move into thu house there 'bouts long enough to clean de floors, install windows and doors, what we's calls a mini-remodelering, when next thing I knows he gone, where, never heard. Bird tells me, he come into some 'private' money, maybe some acre two... Sign in to see full entry.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Thu Bloggers Partee..

The Partee dude, He strolling casual in thu yello dimming, defused light, shining thru faked star bright ceiling. Yellow tone kind spot de wall flowers he walking by. Mo like it: say, see de future layman's favorite at the great invite only partee. "Care to dancer?" Come wit confident smile, beam on... Sign in to see full entry.

The Masochists...

The Masochists: These ancient abnormalities date mankind: Perversities of the intellect. Growing desire from seeds of pain. Passion rises as cruel verbal assaults Are rendered In strident tribal chants. (It is) a masochistic display Leading to unnatural acts. Pleasure harvest from barren soil. Fruit... Sign in to see full entry.

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