Games of Life

By AardigeAfrikaner - About Me - E-mail this page - Add to My Favorites - Add to Blog List - See other blogs in Opinion

Monday, April 28, 2008

Serious Humor

I used to think that I will someday hand in a dissertation on the state of religion in the beginning of the 21st century, but I'm probably not serious enough. Academics tend to be overly serious about life. Come to think of it, many non-academics take life too seriously too. Once again I'm not sure... Sign in to see full entry.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Send some Govermentium to Zimbabwe

at least it will slow down the decay. I'm still blocked, so I had to do it the long way round Sign in to see full entry.

Comedy in pseudo random evolution of the Un-Godly

I find it hilarious that some folks who pretend to be free thinking, free moral agents can just not get away from constantly writing about God and how sad and bad it is that people can believe in something other than fighting the believes of others who think it is sad and bad that you don't believe... Sign in to see full entry.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

I need to make an appointment with god

Where can I go to make an appointment with the god that is not always everywhere? The one who designed and created everything and then left us to deal with it. This remote deity is really hard to find. I've been told he is in my heart but in there I only find the everlasting God of Love and Life.... Sign in to see full entry.

Who do you follow?

Solomon the polygamist magician king or Jesus the Savior? Sign in to see full entry.

Friday, April 25, 2008

God (?) America!

I have seen this: " No, no, no! Not God Bless America. God damn America!" being used so many times in the media and discussion. Is there nobody out there who can see this in context? Obviously the America he was referring to is the "Face of America" as represented by some Americans in the limelight... Sign in to see full entry.

God and man

As long as there are people who declare themselves to be people of faith but do not realize that the teachings of the Great Religious Teachers of mankind relate primarily to human behavior in the real world there will be people who will seek to break down faith in these teachers and their teachings.... Sign in to see full entry.

Language and Thought

Something I find intriguing about language and thoughts. There is a school of thought that suggests that we can only think with words and some even suggest thoughts arise from words. Personally I think the two arise in dependance on each other and condition each other and that there are also... Sign in to see full entry.

What the hell are these people saying?

You must have noticed some articles, poetry and comments by me and others in some weird foreign language that looks Germanic. I you want to know a bit more about it: Afrikaans Sign in to see full entry.

Help Your Self

I've just been invited to an introduction to an educational system that sounds like it attempts to teach you to think for yourself and thereby create new avenues to bring to fulfillment the areas in your life that you experience as lacking fulfillment at the moment. As usual you have to pay to get... Sign in to see full entry.

Headlines (What is this?)