Member Profile for mysteria


 See my "About Me" page

Member Since:

August 29, 2003
Contact: Send E-mail
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Mysteria's Art Blog - Oct 16, 2011
Dance Around The Borealice
Arts & Photography - Popularity rank: 1079

I Make Noises Only Other Freaks Can Hear - Oct 16, 2011
Informal Gibran - Knowing yourself is the mother of all
Journal - Popularity rank: 1080

...This Time of Year... - Apr 7, 2010
(No subject)
Everything Else - Popularity rank: 1560

Apropos of Nothing - Mar 11, 2010
...note to self - The totality of all the minds that went into the epic...
Everything Else - Popularity rank: 1612

Eyes on the Moment - Aug 29, 2009
Six Years Ago Today I Signed Up For Blogit (The Blogging Network) - And I...
Opinion - Popularity rank: 1910

Thoughts on Various & Obscure Uses of Molecules - Jul 29, 2009
Do This, Grab the book nearest you and turn to page 44 - Read the 4th...
Everything Else - Popularity rank: 1960

zzzThe SplendorsUNDER CONSTRUCTIONzzzz - May 20, 2009
(Entries hidden - blog rated MA)
Mature Audiences - Popularity rank: 2123

Who Dares Disturb Me? - Aug 16, 2006
It is I, The Great & Powerful Mysteria Of BloG lol : ) - I am just getting...
Journal - Popularity rank: 5071

xx~ BloGGone Syndicate~xx - Nov 30, 2005
True Love Knows No Last
Everything Else - Popularity rank: 5259

xx~Mysteria's Paradoxa-blog~xx - Oct 24, 2005
"It is within you that the divine lives." - Joseph Campbell
Journal - Popularity rank: 5277

xx~Mysteria's Greatest Blogs Remastered~xx - Aug 31, 2005
Remind me to tell you about a study in the UK that involved - a device...
Journal - Popularity rank: 5322

xx~Mysteria's Miscreant Miscellany~xx - Mar 25, 2004
Why does everything seem so contrary argumentive and backwards - i have...
Relationships - Popularity rank: 5761