Guy's blog about life with pets in northern mich.: I'm not a bad guy! What did I do, to deserve this?!

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Monday, November 23, 2009

I'm not a bad guy! What did I do, to deserve this?!

Want to know what I hate? Being around complainers! There are some people that will compulsively, constantly, complain about ANYTHING and/or ANYONE! It’s a virulent form of verbal diarrhea, but it can’t kill you, like the kind that heads south, can. Examples: “Bleeping CAT! I’m going to KILL that little bleeper, while you are at work today! It’s FREEZIN’ COLD in here! YES, it IS! He is too STUPID to be allowed to live any longer! Who is that Bleeper? BLEEP, BLEEPING, BLEEPERS! I don’t get ANY... Sign in to see full entry.

Previous: Maybe NOW Obama can just concentrate on our economic problems! FINALLY! - New Entries - Next: WOW! Where did November go? No rest for the wicked/weary, I guess!

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